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Last active May 9, 2020 12:04
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"cells": [
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"source": [
"# MaMo\n",
"## Manage money\n",
"### Overview\n",
"* Wallet ( All , Bank, Paytm, etc ).\n",
"* View ( All, Date , week, month , year, Weekends ).\n",
"* Options ( +, - , <> Transfer).\n",
"* Income ( All, Deposit, Salary, Savings,Funds, etc).\n",
"* Expenses( All, Food, transport , Shopping, Entertainment, Health, personal, etc).\n",
"* Tags (for easy access, customisable as per user requirements.\n",
"### Features\n",
"* Graphical representation ( Pie chart, histogram, etc).\n",
"* Currency.\n",
"* Subscriptions ( netflix , YouTube etc).\n",
"* Reccurring ( Salary, Transportation, milk, etc) -- can be modified as per changes in cycle.\n",
"* Define first weekday & weekends.\n",
"* Reminder expenses through mail (Insurance, pollution check , fees ).\n",
"* Sort ( Greater than amount, Date, month , all , hashtags , categories , expenses , incomes , etc).\n",
"* Loan.\n",
"* Calculator (for easy calculation).\n",
"* Daily reminder to enter the expenditure of today.\n",
"* Reminder when money is low through mail.(user can set min amount when the reminder should be triggered).\n",
"* Borrow ( +,-).\n",
"* Reminder about lending money to friends family etc.(after a week, month or so).\n",
"* Export to excel, csv etc.\n",
"* Speech recognition system.\n",
"### Future possibility\n",
"* If the lender and borrower are users of the app/website then both will get reminder.\n",
" * Lender - you gave money to xyz person on (date). Feature of adding interest after crossing the time limit of returning money.\n",
" * Borrower - you borrowed money from pqr on (date). Return today to avoid interest.\n",
"* Tips section - to save money, increase money, easy money, dos and donts etc.\n",
"* Offers and coupon codes.\n",
"* share feature on other platforms"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 3,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"'''------- importing required libraries and packages ---------'''\n",
"import pandas as pd #importing pandas"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 4,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# transaction_id, type, wallets, amount, category, entry_date, transaction_date, current_date, tags, comments, flag \n",
"# reccuring, subscriptions, loan, reminder, borrow, "
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 51,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Total Balance = 0\n",
"Total Income = 0\n",
"Total Expenditure = 0\n",
"1) Income\n",
"2) Expenditure\n",
"3) View Transactions\n",
"Please select option(1-3):1\n",
"Enter the Amount:232\n",
"Total Balance = 232\n",
"Total Income = 232\n",
"Total Expenditure = 0\n"
"source": [
"t =\n",
"'''------- Creating raw DataFrames ---------'''\n",
"df = pd.DataFrame({'transaction_id':[0,1],'type':['Income','Expenditure'], 'wallets':['Cash','Cash'], 'amount':[0, 0], 'category':['Food','Travel'], 'entry_date':[t,t], 'transcation_date':[t,t], 'current_date':[t,t], 'tags':['',''], 'comments':['',''], 'flag':[1,1] }) #creating sample dataframe (df) having two columns\n",
"df_cat = pd.DataFrame({'Category':['Food','Travel',], 'entry_date':[t,t], 'current_date':[t,t], 'flag':[1,1]})\n",
"writer = pd.ExcelWriter('MaMo.xlsx', engine='xlsxwriter')\n",
"df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=\"Transactions\", index=False) #inserting data of dataframe df (df) in the excel sheet\n",
"df_cat.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=\"Category\", index=False) #inserting category list in the excel sheet\n",
" #Close the Pandas Excel writer and output the Excel file.\n",
"ndf = pd.read_excel('MaMo.xlsx', sheet_name=\"Transactions\",sort=False) #creating new dataframe (ndf) to open the file in read mode\n",
"ndf_cat = pd.read_excel('MaMo.xlsx', sheet_name=\"Category\",sort=False) #creating new dataframe (ndf) to open the file in read mode\n",
"writer = pd.ExcelWriter('MaMo.xlsx', engine='xlsxwriter')\n",
"'''------- defining functions -------'''\n",
"def home(): #defining home function\n",
" #creating required dataframes\n",
" income_df = ndf.loc[ndf['type'] == 'Income'] # creating income dataframe (income_df) to store the entries having income type\n",
" expenditure_df = ndf.loc[ndf['type'] == 'Expenditure'] # creating income dataframe (expenditure_df) to store the entries having expenditure type\n",
" \n",
" #calculating Total of the required values\n",
" income_amount = income_df['amount']\n",
" income_total = income_amount.sum(axis = None, skipna = True) #total income\n",
" \n",
" expenditure_amount = expenditure_df['amount']\n",
" expenditure_total = expenditure_amount.sum(axis = None, skipna = True) #total expenditure\n",
" \n",
" avail_balance_total = income_total - expenditure_total # total available balance\n",
" \n",
" #printing required data\n",
" print(\"Total Balance = \",avail_balance_total,sep='') #displays total balance\n",
" print(\"Total Income = \",income_total,sep='') #displays total income\n",
" print(\"Total Expenditure = \",expenditure_total,sep='') #displays total expenditure\n",
" \n",
"''' ------- function defintion end ------'''\n",
"home() #calling home function to display data of user on startup\n",
"#providing options for user to choose from\n",
"#print('Choose from list of wallets:')\n",
"t_id = len(ndf) # generating unique transaction ids\n",
"print(\"1) Income\")\n",
"print(\"2) Expenditure\")\n",
"print(\"3) View Transactions\")\n",
"option = int(input(\"Please select option(1-3):\")) #storing option value selected by user\n",
"#performing functions on the basis of option selected by user\n",
"if option == 1: #insert income amount\n",
" amount = int(input('Enter the Amount:')) # taking amount input from user\n",
" print(\"Category:\")\n",
" cat_lst = ndf_cat['Category'].values\n",
" count2 = 1\n",
" print(\"0) Add new category.\")\n",
" for i in cat_lst:\n",
" print(\"{}) {}\".format(count2,i))\n",
" count2 += 1\n",
" option1_0 = int(input(\"Please select category(0-{}): \".format(count2-1))) #storing option1_0 value selected by user\n",
" if option1_0 == 0:\n",
" category = input(\"Enter the New Category you wish to add:\")\n",
" tdf2 = pd.DataFrame({'Category':[category],'entry_date':[t], 'current_date':[t], 'flag':[1]}) #creating temporary dataframe (tdf2)\n",
" ndf_cat = ndf_cat.append(tdf2, ignore_index=True,sort=False) #append the new input in the dataframe (ndf)\n",
" \n",
" elif option1_0 < count2 and option1_0 > 0:\n",
" category = cat_lst[option1_0 - 1]\n",
" else:\n",
" print('Wrong Input!!') #error message\n",
" \n",
" tag = input(\"Tag:#\") # hashtags \n",
" comment = input(\"Comments:\") # additional comments\n",
" tdf = pd.DataFrame({'type':['Income'], 'amount': [amount],'tags':[tag],'comments':[comment],'transaction_id':[t_id],'wallets':['Cash'], 'category':[category], 'entry_date':[t], 'transcation_date':[t], 'current_date':[t], 'flag':[1]}) #creating temporary dataframe (tdf)\n",
" ndf = ndf.append(tdf, ignore_index=True,sort=False) #append the new input in the dataframe (ndf)\n",
" ndf.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Transactions', index=False) #updating the excel sheet\n",
" ndf_cat.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Category', index=False) #updating the excel sheet\n",
" #Close the Pandas Excel writer and output the Excel file.\n",
" home() #display data to user\n",
" \n",
"elif option == 2: #insert expenditure amount\n",
" amount = int(input('Enter the Amount:')) # taking amount input from user\n",
" tdf = pd.DataFrame({'type':['Expenditure'], 'amount': amount}) #creating temporary dataframe (tdf)\n",
" ndf = ndf.append(tdf, ignore_index=True,sort=False) #append the new input in the dataframe (ndf)\n",
" ndf.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Transactions', index=False) #updating the excel sheet\n",
" home() #display data to user\n",
" \n",
"elif option == 3: # view transactions\n",
" # Date , week, month , year, Weekends\n",
" print(\"1) All\")\n",
" print(\"2) Date\")\n",
" print(\"3) Week\")\n",
" print(\"4) Month\")\n",
" print(\"5) Year\")\n",
" print(\"6) Weekends\")\n",
" print(\"7) Category\")\n",
" print(\"8) Tags\")\n",
" print(\"9) Wallets\")\n",
" print(\"10) Type\")\n",
" option3 = int(input(\"Please select option(1-10):\")) #storing option3 value selected by user\n",
" \n",
" #performing functions on the basis of option selected by user\n",
" \n",
" if option3 == 1: # Display all data\n",
" print(ndf[['type','wallets','amount','category','transcation_date','tags','comments']]) # displaying stored data of the user\n",
" \n",
" elif option3 == 2: # Display data Date wise\n",
" print(\"1) Today\")\n",
" print(\"2) Date\")\n",
" print(\"3) From-To\")\n",
" option3_2 = int(input(\"Please select option(1-3): \")) #storing option3_2 value selected by user\n",
" \n",
" if option3_2 == 1: \n",
" t_ndf = ndf[(ndf['transcation_date'] ==] # assigning data of today\n",
" print(t_ndf[['type','wallets','amount','category','transcation_date','tags','comments']]) # displaying todays data of the user\n",
" \n",
" elif option3_2 == 2:\n",
" e_dt = pd.to_datetime(input(\"Please the enter the date(yyyy-mm-dd): \")).date()\n",
" t_ndf = ndf[(ndf['transcation_date'] == e_dt)] # assigning data of date enterd\n",
" \n",
" if t_ndf.empty :\n",
" print(\"NO DATA FOUND!!!\")\n",
" else:\n",
" print(t_ndf[['type','wallets','amount','category','transcation_date','tags','comments']]) # displaying todays data of the user\n",
" \n",
" elif option3_2 == 3:\n",
" f_dt = pd.to_datetime(input(\"Please the enter the from date(yyyy-mm-dd): \")).date()\n",
" t_dt = pd.to_datetime(input(\"Please the enter the to date(yyyy-mm-dd): \")).date()\n",
" t_ndf = ndf[(ndf['transcation_date'] >= f_dt) & (ndf['transcation_date'] <= t_dt)]\n",
" \n",
" if t_ndf.empty :\n",
" print(\"NO DATA FOUND!!!\")\n",
" else:\n",
" print(t_ndf[['type','wallets','amount','category','transcation_date','tags','comments']]) # displaying todays data of the user\n",
" else: \n",
" print('Wrong Input!!') #error message \n",
" \n",
" elif option3 == 3: # Display data week wise\n",
" print(\"1) Current week\")\n",
" print(\"2) Particular week\")\n",
" option3_3 = int(input(\"Please select option(1-2): \")) #storing option3_10 value selected by user\n",
" \n",
" if option3_3 == 1:\n",
" pass\n",
" elif option3_3 == 2:\n",
" pass\n",
" else :\n",
" print('Wrong Input!!') #error message\n",
" \n",
" elif option3 == 4: # Display data month wise\n",
" print(\"1) Current month\")\n",
" print(\"2) Particular month\")\n",
" option3_4 = int(input(\"Please select option(1-2): \")) #storing option3_10 value selected by user\n",
" \n",
" if option3_4 == 1:\n",
" m_ndf = ndf[(ndf['transcation_date'].dt.month ==] # assigning data of today\n",
" print(m_ndf[['type','wallets','amount','category','transcation_date','tags','comments']]) # displaying todays data of the user\n",
" \n",
" elif option3_4 == 2:\n",
" yer = int(input(\"Enter the Year(YYYY)\"))\n",
" y_ndf = ndf[(ndf['transcation_date'].dt.year == yer)] # assigning data of today\n",
" mon = int(input(\"Enter the Year(mm)\"))\n",
" m_ndf = y_ndf[(y_ndf['transcation_date'].dt.month == mon) & ((y_ndf['transcation_date'].dt.year == yer))] # assigning data of today\n",
" \n",
" if m_ndf.empty :\n",
" print(\"NO DATA FOUND!!!\")\n",
" else:\n",
" print(m_ndf[['type','wallets','amount','category','transcation_date','tags','comments']]) # displaying todays data of the user\n",
" else :\n",
" print('Wrong Input!!') #error message\n",
" \n",
" elif option3 == 5: # Display data year wise\n",
" print(\"1) Current year\")\n",
" print(\"2) Particular year\")\n",
" option3_5 = int(input(\"Please select option(1-2): \")) #storing option3_10 value selected by user\n",
" \n",
" if option3_5 == 1:\n",
" y_ndf = ndf[(ndf['transcation_date'].dt.year ==] # assigning data of today\n",
" print(y_ndf[['type','wallets','amount','category','transcation_date','tags','comments']]) # displaying todays data of the user\n",
" \n",
" elif option3_5 == 2:\n",
" yer = int(input(\"Enter the Year(YYYY)\"))\n",
" y_ndf = ndf[(ndf['transcation_date'].dt.year == yer)] # assigning data of today\n",
" \n",
" if y_ndf.empty :\n",
" print(\"NO DATA FOUND!!!\")\n",
" else:\n",
" print(y_ndf[['type','wallets','amount','category','transcation_date','tags','comments']]) # displaying todays data of the user\n",
" else :\n",
" print('Wrong Input!!') #error message\n",
" \n",
" elif option3 == 6: # Display data weekend wise\n",
" print(\"1) Last weekend\")\n",
" print(\"2) Particular weekend\")\n",
" option3_6 = int(input(\"Please select option(1-2): \")) #storing option3_10 value selected by user\n",
" \n",
" if option3_6 == 1:\n",
" pass\n",
" elif option3_6 == 2:\n",
" pass\n",
" else :\n",
" print('Wrong Input!!') #error message\n",
" \n",
" elif option3 == 7: # Display data category wise\n",
" cat_lst = ndf['category'].unique()\n",
" count = 1\n",
" for i in cat_lst:\n",
" print(\"{}) {}\".format(count,i))\n",
" count += 1\n",
" option3_7 = int(input(\"Please select option(1-{}): \".format(count-1))) #storing option3_10 value selected by user\n",
" if option3_7 < count and option3_7 > 0:\n",
" cat_ndf = ndf[(ndf['category'] == cat_lst[option3_7 - 1])]\n",
" print(cat_ndf[['type','wallets','amount','category','transcation_date','tags','comments']]) # displaying todays data of the user\n",
" else:\n",
" print('Wrong Input!!') #error message\n",
" \n",
" elif option3 == 8: # Display data tags wise \n",
" pass\n",
" elif option3 == 9: # Display data acc to wallet wise\n",
" pass\n",
" elif option3 == 10: # Display data acc to type wise\n",
" print(\"1) Income\")\n",
" print(\"2) Expenditure\")\n",
" option3_10 = int(input(\"Please select option(1-2): \")) #storing option3_10 value selected by user\n",
" \n",
" if option3_10 == 1:\n",
" ty_ndf = ndf[(ndf['type'] == 'Income')] # assigning data of date enterd\n",
" print(ty_ndf[['type','wallets','amount','category','transcation_date','tags','comments']]) # displaying todays data of the user\n",
" elif option3_10 == 2:\n",
" ty_ndf = ndf[(ndf['type'] == 'Expenditure')] # assigning data of date enterd\n",
" print(ty_ndf[['type','wallets','amount','category','transcation_date','tags','comments']]) # displaying todays data of the user\n",
" else :\n",
" print('Wrong Input!!') #error message\n",
" \n",
" else: \n",
" print('Wrong Input!!') #error message\n",
" print('Wrong Input!!') #error message\n",
" '''\n",
" #For calculator or inserting elements by adding them easily\n",
" a = input(\"Enter no\")\n",
" print(sum(list(map(int,a.split('+')))))\n",
" ''' "
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 52,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"df_wallet = pd.DataFrame({'wallets':['Cash','Paytm']})\n",
"df_wallet3 = pd.DataFrame({'wallets':['C','P']})\n",
"writer = pd.ExcelWriter('test.xlsx')\n",
"df_wallet.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=\"Wallets\", index=False,engine='xlsxwriter') #inserting data of dataframe df (df) in the excel sheet\n",
"rdf_wallet = pd.read_excel('test.xlsx', sheet_name=\"Wallets\")\n",
"df_wallet3.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=\"abc\", index=False,engine='xlsxwriter') #inserting data of dataframe df (df) in the excel sheet\n",
"rdf_wallet3 = pd.read_excel('test.xlsx', sheet_name=\"abc\")\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
" "
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