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Created January 29, 2012 11:53
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Median Finding Algorithms
(ns median.core
(:use [clojure.math.numeric-tower :only [floor ceil]]))
(defn rand-list
"Generates a random vector of length n with unique
values inclusive 1 to exclusive n"
(shuffle (map inc (range n))))
(defn- median-skeleton
"The skeleton for the median finding algorithms"
[l pivot-fn]
(loop [l l
median (floor (/ (count l) 2))]
(if (= 1 (count l))
(first l)
(let [pivot (pivot-fn l)
less-part (filter #(< % pivot) l)
great-part (filter #(> % pivot) l)
rank (inc (count less-part))]
(= rank median) pivot
(< median rank) (recur less-part
:else (recur great-part
(- median rank)))))))
(defn rand-median
"A randomized median finding algorithm"
(median-skeleton l #(nth % (rand-int (count &)))))
(declare deter-median)
(defn find-median-of-medians
(let [l (into [] l)]
(if (< (count l) 5)
(nth (into [] (sort l)) (ceil (/ (count l) 2)))
(let [subvecs (partition 5
(subvec l 0 (- (count l) (mod (count l) 5))))
medians (map (fn [n] (nth (sort n) 2)) subvecs)]
(deter-median (into [] medians))))))
(defn deter-median
"A median finding algorithm with asymptotically linear running time"
(median-skeleton l find-median-of-medians))
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