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Forked from strengejacke/.lintr
Created December 3, 2024 16:28
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VS Code setup for R
// save to windows-user directory
linters: with_defaults(object_name_linter = NULL,
commented_code_linter = NULL,
object_usage_linter = NULL,
cyclocomp_linter = cyclocomp_linter(50))
Keybindings for R Language ------------------------------------------------
// Build RD files for R functions / packages
"description": "R Build Docs",
"key": "ctrl+shift+d",
// "command": "r.document",
"command": "r.runCommand",
"args": "devtools::document(roclets = c('rd', 'collate', 'namespace'))",
"when": "editorTextFocus || terminalFocus"
// Insert pipe-operator
"description": "R Pipe Operator",
"key": "ctrl+shift+m",
"command": "type",
"args": {"text": " |> "},
"when": "editorTextFocus || terminalFocus",
// Insert <- assignment
"description": "R Assignment Arrow",
"key": "alt+-",
"command": "type",
"args": {"text": " <- "},
"when": "editorTextFocus || terminalFocus",
// Build R *source* package (e.g. for submission to win-builder)
"description": "R Build Source Package",
"key": "ctrl+shift+b",
// "command": "",
"command": "r.runCommand",
"args": "devtools::build()",
"when": "editorTextFocus || terminalFocus",
// Install R package (for developers)
"description": "R Install Package",
"key": "ctrl+shift+i",
// "command": "r.install",
"command": "r.runCommand",
"args": "devtools::install(quick=TRUE,upgrade=FALSE)",
"when": "resourceLangId == 'r'"
// Restart R session, to clean workspace and namespace
"description": "R Restart Session",
"key": "ctrl+shift+F10",
"command": "r.runCommand",
"when": "editorLangId == 'r'",
"args": "startup::restart()"
// Loads current package (for developers), local install
"description": "R Load Package",
"key": "ctrl+alt+l",
"command": "r.loadAll",
"when": "editorLangId == 'r' || editorTextFocus && editorLangId == 'rmd'"
// Update R packages
"description": "R Update Packages",
"key": "ctrl+shift+u",
"command": "r.runCommand",
"args": "vsCodeSnippets::update_R_packages()",
"when": "resourceLangId == 'r' || terminalFocus"
// Create reprex (must be in clipboard)
"description": "R Create Reprex",
"key": "ctrl+shift+x",
"command": "r.runCommand",
"args": "reprex::reprex()",
"when": "resourceLangId == 'r'"
// Compile report (knit R Script)
"description": "R Compile Report",
"key": "ctrl+shift+t",
"command": "r.runCommand",
"args": "rmarkdown::render(input=rstudioapi::getSourceEditorContext()$path)",
"when": "resourceLangId == 'r'"
// Show help for function at cursor position
"description": "R Show Documentation",
"key": "f1",
"command": "r.helpPanel.openForSelection",
"when": "editorLangId == 'r' || editorTextFocus && editorLangId == 'rmd'"
Editor-specific keybindings -----------------------------------------------
// View R workspace
"description": "View: Show R Workspace",
"key": "ctrl+shift+w",
"command": "workbench.view.extension.workspaceViewer"
// Format Code
"key": "ctrl+shift+a",
"command": "editor.action.formatSelection",
"when": "editorHasDocumentSelectionFormattingProvider && editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly"
// Show all symbols (objects, ...)
"key": "ctrl+oem_period",
"command": "workbench.action.showAllSymbols"
// new R file
"key": "ctrl+n",
"command": "r.newFileDocument"
// new file
"key": "ctrl+shift+n",
"command": "welcome.showNewFileEntries"
// switch position of panel
"key": "shift+alt+7",
"command": "workbench.action.positionPanelRight"
"key": "shift+alt+8",
"command": "workbench.action.positionPanelBottom"
// other stuff
"key": "ctrl+alt+l",
"command": "quarto.previewShortcut",
"when": "editorLangId == 'dot' || editorLangId == 'mermaid' || editorLangId == 'quarto'"
"key": "ctrl+l",
"command": "workbench.action.terminal.clear",
"when": "terminalFocus"
// requires extension "multi-command"
"key": "ctrl+shift+j",
"command": "extension.multiCommand.execute",
"args": {
"sequence": [
"when": "editorTextFocus || terminalFocus"
// lock scrolling, to synch scrolling across editor windows
"key": "ctrl+t",
"command": "workbench.action.toggleLockedScrolling"
Switch default keybindings for these commands -----------------------
"key": "shift+f12",
"command": "references-view.findReferences",
"when": "editorHasReferenceProvider"
"key": "shift+alt+f12",
"command": "editor.action.goToReferences",
"when": "editorHasReferenceProvider && editorTextFocus && !inReferenceSearchEditor && !isInEmbeddedEditor"
"key": "ctrl+oem_5",
"command": "editor.action.jumpToBracket",
"when": "editorTextFocus"
"key": "ctrl+shift+oem_5",
"command": "workbench.action.splitEditor"
"key": "alt+oem_5",
"command": "workbench.action.splitEditorDown"
Unbinding pre-defined shortcuts ----------------------------------------
"key": "ctrl+k ctrl+f",
"command": "-editor.action.formatSelection",
"when": "editorHasDocumentSelectionFormattingProvider && editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly"
"key": "ctrl+oem_period",
"command": "-editor.action.quickFix",
"when": "editorHasCodeActionsProvider && editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly"
"key": "ctrl+t",
"command": "-workbench.action.showAllSymbols"
"key": "ctrl+shift+d",
"command": "-workbench.view.debug",
"when": "viewContainer.workbench.view.debug.enabled"
"key": "ctrl+shift+x",
"command": "-workbench.view.extensions",
"when": "viewContainer.workbench.view.extensions.enabled"
"key": "ctrl+shift+u",
"command": "-workbench.action.output.toggleOutput",
"when": ""
"key": "ctrl+shift+w",
"command": "-workbench.action.closeWindow"
"key": "ctrl+shift+l",
"command": "-quarto.previewShortcut",
"when": "editorLangId == 'dot' || editorLangId == 'mermaid' || editorLangId == 'quarto'"
"key": "ctrl+shift+n",
"command": "-workbench.action.newWindow"
"key": "ctrl+n",
"command": "-workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile"
"key": "ctrl+alt+win+n",
"command": "-welcome.showNewFileEntries"
"key": "shift+alt+f12",
"command": "-references-view.findReferences",
"when": "editorHasReferenceProvider"
"key": "shift+f12",
"command": "-editor.action.goToReferences",
"when": "editorHasReferenceProvider && editorTextFocus && !inReferenceSearchEditor && !isInEmbeddedEditor"
"key": "shift+f12",
"command": "-goToPreviousReference",
"when": "inReferenceSearchEditor || referenceSearchVisible"
"key": "ctrl+oem_5",
"command": "-workbench.action.splitEditor"
"key": "ctrl+shift+oem_5",
"command": "-editor.action.jumpToBracket",
"when": "editorTextFocus"
"key": "ctrl+shift+b",
"command": "",
"when": "taskCommandsRegistered"
"key": "shift+f1",
"command": "workbench.action.showCommands"
"key": "f1",
"command": "-workbench.action.showCommands"
"key": "ctrl+shift+t",
"command": "-workbench.action.reopenClosedEditor"
// Place your snippets for r here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a prefix, body and
// description. The prefix is what is used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are:
// $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders. Placeholders with the
// same ids are connected.
// Example:
// "Print to console": {
// "prefix": "log",
// "body": [
// "console.log('$1');",
// "$2"
// ],
// "description": "Log output to console"
// }
"VS Code Debugging": {
"prefix": ["deb", "debugging"],
"body": ["vsCodeSnippets::load_debug_pkg()"],
"description": "Loads package for debugging and refreshes breakpoints"
"VS Code Debugging 2": {
"prefix": ["fixit"],
"body": [
"ret <- pkgload::load_all()",
"exports <- as.environment(paste0(\"package:\", environmentName(ret$env)))",
"vscDebugger::.vsc.refreshBreakpoints(list(ret$env, exports))"
"description": "Loads package for debugging and refreshes breakpoints (no need for vcCodeSnippets)"
// workspace, workbench and window settings
"workbench.startupEditor": "none",
"workbench.panel.defaultLocation": "right",
"workbench.colorTheme": "Default Dark+",
"": "open",
"window.commandCenter": true,
"explorer.confirmDelete": false,
"diffEditor.renderSideBySide": false,
"diffEditor.ignoreTrimWhitespace": false,
"diffEditor.experimental.showMoves": true,
// terminal settings
"": "R Terminal",
"terminal.integrated.fontWeightBold": "normal",
"terminal.integrated.enableMultiLinePasteWarning": "never",
"terminal.integrated.cursorStyle": "underline",
"terminal.integrated.cursorBlinking": true,
// editor settings
"editor.stickyScroll.enabled": true,
"editor.minimap.enabled": false,
"editor.formatOnPaste": true,
"editor.unicodeHighlight.nonBasicASCII": true,
"editor.tabSize": 2,
"editor.detectIndentation": false,
"editor.defaultFormatter": "REditorSupport.r",
"editor.guides.indentation": false,
"editor.fontFamily": "'Fira Code', Hasklig, Consolas, 'Courier New', monospace",
"editor.fontLigatures": true,
"editor.inlineSuggest.enabled": true,
"editor.guides.bracketPairs": "active", // adds guides to matching brackets
"editor.accessibilitySupport": "off",
"editor.rulers": [
{"column": 80, "color": "#5a5a5a80"}, // right rule
{"column": 95, "color": "#5a5a5a30"}, // right rule
{"column": 120, "color": "#5a5a5a40"} // extra right rule
// remember (and restore) unsaved files even when switching workspaces
"files.hotExit": "onExitAndWindowClose",
// make sure ".rmd" files are treated as R Markdown
"files.associations": {
"*.rmd": "rmd"
// other extension settings
// allows PathAutocomplete to start completion after typing "."
// use "./<filename>" for correct file paths
"path-autocomplete.pathMappings": {
".": "${workspace}"
// git settings
"git.autofetch": true,
"git.confirmSync": false,
"git.suggestSmartCommit": false,
// r settings
"r.alwaysUseActiveTerminal": true,
"r.bracketedPaste": true,
"r.plot.useHttpgd": true,
"r.plot.defaults.fullWindowMode": true,
"": "C:\\Program Files\\R\\R-4.3.3\\bin\\R.exe",
"": "C:\\Program Files\\R\\R-4.3.3\\bin\\x64\\Rterm.exe",
// "": "C:\\Users\\mail\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python311\\Scripts\\radian.exe",
"r.removeLeadingComments": true,
"r.session.levelOfObjectDetail": "Normal",
"quarto.mathjax.theme": "dark",
// github settings
"githubPullRequests.fileListLayout": "tree",
"githubPullRequests.defaultMergeMethod": "squash",
"githubPullRequests.pullBranch": "never",
"": true,
// TODO highlighter
"todohighlight.include": [
"todohighlight.keywords": [
"text": "TODO",
// "color": "#1ab7ea",
"color": "#fffc00",
"backgroundColor": "rgba(245, 145, 0, .66)",
// StatusBar Debugger
"statusbarDebugger.actions": [
"statusbarDebugger.actionsIcons": [
"debug.toolBarLocation": "docked",
// Codesnap
"codesnap.boxShadow": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.55) 0px 20px 60px",
"codesnap.backgroundColor": "#6090a0",
"codesnap.containerPadding": "1em",
"codesnap.showWindowControls": false,
"codesnap.shutterAction": "copy",
// todo tree
"todo-tree.highlights.customHighlight": {
"TODO": {
"background": "#F5910044",
"foreground": "#fffc00FF"
"BUG": {
"icon": "bug",
"background": "#D3262655",
"foreground": "#FF3300FF"
"HACK": {
"icon": "tools"
"FIXME": {
"icon": "flame",
"background": "#00996844",
"foreground": "#25D366FF"
// GitHub Copilot
"github.copilot.enable": {
"files.associations": {
"*.R": "r"
"languages": [{
"id": "r",
"extensions": [ ".r", ".R", ".rmd", ".Rmd" ],
"aliases": [ "R" ]
"quarto": false,
"*": true
"chatgpt.lang": "en"
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