Download all the available linux configurations for your cyberghost account using the following links. These links are good for a premium account using openvpn UDP. If you want to use a different protocol, are not premium or if you want an up-to-date list, please follow the guide in the "Method" section.
You must be logged in to download these links !
Connect to your account at
Go to
You can set protocol to the following :
- OpenVPN UDP : openvpn
- OpenVPN TCP : openvpn_tcp
- IPSEC / L2TP : l2tp
- PPTP : pptp
Get the content and save it as 'cyberghost.json'
Open a python console and paste the following code :
# coding: utf-8
import json
with open('cyberghost.json') as f:
countries = json.load(f)['countries']
def best_server(servers):
premium = next((s for s in servers if s['name'] == 'Premium Servers'), None)
return premium or servers[0]
servers = [{'country': country['countrycode'], 'url': best_server(country['servers'])['url']} for country in countries]
api_urls = ['{}&os=linux&url={}'.format(server['country'], server['url']) for server in servers]
with open('cyberghost_urls.txt', 'w') as f:
The link doesn't seem to work anymore. Even connected to my account. Where did you get this link?