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Forked from samuelckaufman/Makefile
Created February 20, 2013 17:40
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%.git.push: %.git
cd $*.git && git fetch origin && git push github 2>&1 >> ~/github.log
[ -e $*/config ] || git clone --mirror git@private-git-host:$* \
&& cd $*.git && git remote add --mirror=push github [email protected]:PrivateOrganization/$*
#put this Makefile in github_mirror@yourserver:~/repos/
#Then copy the following 2 lines into private-git-hosts's post-receive hook for the repo:
#GITDIRNAME=pwd | perl -w -ne 'my ($dir) = reverse split(/\//); print $dir'
#ssh github_mirror@yourserver "cd repos && make $GITDIRNAME.push"
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