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Created February 26, 2025 13:48
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use Future::AsyncAwait;
# Define an ASGI-like application as an anonymous async sub.
# This app checks the request scope and sends a response.
my $asgi_app = async sub ($scope, $receive, $send) {
if ($scope->{type} eq 'http') {
# Send the response start message.
await $send->({
type => "http.response.start",
status => 200,
headers => [
["content-type", "text/plain"],
# Send the response body.
await $send->({
type => "http.response.body",
body => "Hello from a Perl ASGI port using PSGI style!\n",
# Middleware Example: Logging Middleware
# Define a logging middleware that wraps an ASGI app.
sub logging_middleware($app) {
return async sub ($scope, $receive, $send) {
if ($scope->{type} eq 'http') {
say "[Middleware] Request received for ", $scope->{path};
# Call the wrapped application.
await $app->($scope, $receive, $send);
if ($scope->{type} eq 'http') {
say "[Middleware] Request completed";
# Wrap the ASGI app with our logging middleware.
my $wrapped_app = logging_middleware($asgi_app);
return $wrapped_app;
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