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Created February 26, 2025 01:34
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strictures;
use PSGI::Syntax; #(signatures, etc. for example code)
use Future::AsyncAwait;
use Future;
### Basic ASGI App Implementation
async sub app($scope, $receive, $send) {
if ($scope->{type} eq 'http') {
# Start the HTTP response.
await $send->({
type => "http.response.start",
status => 200,
headers => [
["content-type", "text/plain"],
# Send the response body.
await $send->({
type => "http.response.body",
body => "Hello, ASGI with middleware!",
### Logging Middleware Package
package LoggingMiddleware;
use strictures;
use PSGI::Syntax; #(signatures, etc. for example code)
use Future::AsyncAwait;
use Future;
# Constructor: wraps an ASGI app.
sub new($class, $app) {
return bless { app => $app }, $class;
# The middleware call method which logs before and after calling the app.
async sub call($self, $scope, $receive, $send) {
if ($scope->{type} eq 'http') {
say "[Middleware] Request received: $scope->{path}";
# Call the next app (or middleware) in the stack.
await $self->{app}->($scope, $receive, $send);
if ($scope->{type} eq 'http') {
say "[Middleware] Request processing completed.";
### Main Execution
# Wrap the basic app with logging middleware.
my $app_with_middleware = LoggingMiddleware->new(\&app);
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