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Last active March 3, 2025 19:09
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another form builder model example
Sketch to see if we can just use AUTOLOAD to inject into the
display object methods as needed ad hoc
# in this approach you have some named methods like $args
# and other methods use AUTOLOAD, defautl behavior is to call
# resolve_method_for_proxy($method) or if that doesn't exist
# dfaults to $obj->method.
# if you pass args to an AUTOLOADED method, that sets that
# method to have that value.
my $display_user = $user->proxy
my $fb = ::FormBuilder(model=>$display_user)
$fb->collection_select('state_id', 'states', {default_selected=>$user=>default_state_id})
#same with this, the page object does title and form, uses AUTOLOAD on others
->list_link($c->uri('../list', [$c->req->args]))
Now slightly more complex, where instead of jsut making fiuelds we make objects to
more fully encapsulation the form display model. mY biggest issue here is that
this seems to be expensive to build it each time. Maybe better to do something like
with CatalystX::Request...
->text('first_name', \%opts) # where %opts an be things like active/inactive or even html opts like disabled
->text('last_name') # should we allow adding validations here...? Also change the display name via { as=>... } ?
->date('dob', \%opts) # lets you do formatting etc
->collection_select('state_id', +{
collection => $c->model('States')->alphabetical,
default_selected => [ id => 'value', $c->model('States')->default_state_id ],
and then in the formbuilder
$fb->collection_select('state_id', { class=>'...})
?? How does this work with the request body mapping? And then update or insert? Do
we make that separate or put that into this? If we merge it then maybe that argues for
a more CatalystX::Request approach
That might look like
package Example::Model::DisplayUser;
has 'first_name' => (is=>'rw', text=>\%opts);
has 'state_id' => (
is => 'rw',
collection_select => +{
collection => sub($self, $c) { $c->model('States')->alphabetical } ,
default_selected => [ id => 'value', sub($self, $c) { $c->model('States')->default_state_id } ],
# in controller
my $display_user = $c->model('DisplayUser', $user);
# maybe view
->block(sub ($self, $page) {
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