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JJ Zabkar jjzabkar

  • Seattle
  • 00:00 (UTC -08:00)
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jjzabkar /
Created August 28, 2021 22:09
How to download the Nickland Minecraft save file to your local computer.

This process will require 11 GB of disk space. At the end of this process, you will have the following directories within your local Minecraft installation directory:

  /world         <== this is the new directory (6 GB)
  /world-backup  <== this is the old directory
jjzabkar /
Last active April 25, 2021 23:12
Minecraft NickLand Forge Installation Instructions

Minecraft NickLand Install Instructions

  1. Close Minecrat and Minecraft Launcher.
  2. (only required for new participants) If you have not installed Forge 36.1 yet, jump to the "Minecraft Forge Installation Instructions" section below.
  3. Download the file nickland-mods from here
  4. Unzip the file. Note that it is a directory full of .jar files.
  5. Save or copy the .jar files into your Minecraft mods directory located here: %appdata%\.minecraft\mods (copy and paste this address into a windows explorer window to go to your Minecraft mods folder)
  6. Start your Minecraft client and select your Forge installation. Note that it may take a few minutes.
  7. Ensure that your splash screen shows:
  • Minecraft 1.16.5
2018-04-12 15:02:43,539 [8ce03e71-3c75-46cd-a0bc-8b67f3ef2da6] [INFO ] com.tangocard.common.logging.RequestIdFilter - request path='/admin/suppliers', message='Before request [uri=/core/admin/suppliers]'
2018-04-12 15:02:43,678 [8ce03e71-3c75-46cd-a0bc-8b67f3ef2da6] [INFO ] c.t.core.provisioner.supplier.SupplierService - validating supplier.supplierConfig
2018-04-12 15:02:43,709 [8ce03e71-3c75-46cd-a0bc-8b67f3ef2da6] [INFO ] c.t.core.provisioner.supplier.SupplierService - validating supplier client creation for supplier id='null' name='ztest-8675748'
2018-04-12 15:02:43,709 [8ce03e71-3c75-46cd-a0bc-8b67f3ef2da6] [INFO ] c.t.core.provisioner.supplier.SupplierService - saving 'SupplierEntity(isNpo=false, supplierId=null, supplierName=ztest-8675748, supplierNameHumanReadable=ztest-8675748, configSource=DB, status=ACTIVE)'
2018-04-12 15:02:43,788 [8ce03e71-3c75-46cd-a0bc-8b67f3ef2da6] [INFO ] com.tangocard.common.logging.RequestIdFilter - completing request for path='/admin/suppliers',
jjzabkar / 1_triggers.sql
Created March 29, 2018 04:22 — forked from fritzy/1_triggers.sql
Get table change notifications from Postgres as JSON
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION table_update_notify() RETURNS trigger AS $$
id bigint;
id =;
id =;
PERFORM pg_notify('table_update', json_build_object('table', TG_TABLE_NAME, 'id', id, 'type', TG_OP)::text);