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Last active April 28, 2017 13:46
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Get notified when someone watches something on Plex.
import flask
import json
import requests
APP = flask.Flask(__name__)
def send_notification(description):
# endpoint = ""
endpoint = ""
params = {
"apikey": "<API KEY>",
"application": "Plex",
"event": "Now Playing",
"description": description
}, params=params)
@APP.route("/", methods=["POST"])
def index():
request = json.loads(dict(flask.request.form)["payload"][0])
event = request["event"]
media_type = request["Metadata"]["type"]
if event != "" or media_type == "track":
return "", 204
account = request["Account"]["title"]
title = request["Metadata"]["title"]
year = request["Metadata"]["year"]
if "grandparentTitle" in request["Metadata"]:
title = "%s - %s" % (request["Metadata"]["grandparentTitle"], title)
send_notification("%s is watching %s (%s)" % (account, title, year))
return "", 204
if __name__ == "__main__":
kwargs = {
"host": "",
"port": 8080,
"threaded": True
ssl_crt = "/path/to/ssl.crt"
ssl_key = "/path/to/ssl.key"
if os.path.exists(ssl_crt) and os.path.exists(ssl_key):
kwargs["ssl_context"] = (ssl_crt, ssl_key)**kwargs)
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