A game of terrible solutions to terrifying problems by Steve Dee
Transcribed from http://tinstargames.weebly.com/micro-games.html by jae kaplan since i was having trouble reading the image.
Get a piece of paper for every player. One player secretly writes down a terrible problem the world is facing right now, ripped from the headline news or their own tragic life. They must sum it up in six words or less. (eg kids stuck in cave under ocean, Russian interference in world politics, cat vomit on carpet, going to die a virgin). Write this problem on all the pieces of paper except one. On that one, write ELON MUSK.
Put all the pieces of paper in a hat and each player draws one out randomly. The player who wrote the problem does not draw.
Then every player pitches their solution to the problem. Of course, being no-nonsense billionaire tech-bro geniuses, they can only say two words to sum up their solution. One player doesn’t know the problem. They are Elon Musk and can only babble random words.
Example: the problem is kids stuck in cave under ocean. Players say things like “robot divers”, “cave drill”, “waterproof bats”. The player who is Elon says “iPod submarine” or “space roadster”.
Once everyone has made a pitch, the players try to figure out who is Elon Musk. If they are right, they win. If Elon Musk has successfully guessed what the problem is, Elon wins and everyone else loses because he’s going to build his goddamn iPod submarine.
Change who came up with the problem, come up with a new problem to defeat, and repeat until the fall of capitalism.