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jkap / configuration.yaml
Created January 21, 2025 16:02
French Toast Alert for Home Assistant
# REST sensor for the raw french toast data. processed by a template sensor below.
- platform: rest
value_template: "OK"
resource: ""
name: "french toast raw status"
json_attributes_path: "$.frenchtoast"
- status
@-moz-document domain("") {
[data-view="post-preview"] img {
filter: brightness(75%);
transition: 200ms filter ease-in;
&:hover {
filter: brightness(100%);
jkap / prechoster-ask-format.json
Last active March 31, 2023 13:34
jae's ask formatter
{"modules":[{"id":"396b4e1b035c1577","data":{"contents":"I'm putting a question here!","language":"text"},"pluginId":"source.text","sends":[],"namedSends":{"152aae77d0e8a772":["ask"]},"graphPos":null},{"id":"59714cceb7682bd0","data":{"contents":"That's great! here's an answer!\n\n<b>You can use HTML here too!</b>\n\nDon't forget to change your retrospring URL at the bottom!","language":"html"},"pluginId":"source.text","sends":[],"namedSends":{"152aae77d0e8a772":["answer"]},"graphPos":null},{"id":"152aae77d0e8a772","data":{"contents":"<script>\n import ask from \"./ask\";\n import answer from \"./answer\";\n import retrospringUrl from \"./retrospringUrl\";\n</script>\n\n<div class=\"background\">\n <div class=\"container\">\n <div class=\"ask-section\">\n <div class=\"ask-container\">\n <span class=\"attribution\"\n ><strong>Anonymous</strong>\n <!-- -->asked:</span\n >\n <div class=\"ask\">{ask}</div>\n <div class=\"arrow\"></div>\n </div>\n
jkap / random-channel.js
Created April 25, 2020 22:00
Logic Pro X Scripter script for assigning MIDI NoteOn events to random channels
// assigns incoming MIDI NoteOn events to a "random" channel in a given range
// channel assignment is deterministic based on position in song and specified seed
// for Logic Pro X Scripter plugin
// written by jae kaplan, 2020
// MIT licensed
var NeedsTimingInfo = true;
jkap /
Last active March 14, 2019 19:10
#!/usr/bin/env fish
set park_ids 330339 \
336894 \
80007823 \
80007944 \
80007998 \
set park_keys DisneylandResortMagicKingdom \
DisneylandResortCaliforniaAdventure \
jkap / sanfrancisco-font.css
Last active December 19, 2018 19:29
San Francisco Web Font
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
* SF Mono
/** Bold */
@font-face {
font-family: "SF Mono";
font-weight: 700;
jkap /
Last active July 14, 2021 18:36
Elon Musk's iPod Submarine

Elon Musk's iPod Submarine

A game of terrible solutions to terrifying problems by Steve Dee

Transcribed from by jae kaplan since i was having trouble reading the image.

Get a piece of paper for every player. One player secretly writes down a terrible problem the world is facing right now, ripped from the headline news or their own tragic life. They must sum it up in six words or less. (eg kids stuck in cave under ocean, Russian interference in world politics, cat vomit on carpet, going to die a virgin). Write this problem on all the pieces of paper except one. On that one, write ELON MUSK.

Put all the pieces of paper in a hat and each player draws one out randomly. The player who wrote the problem does not draw.

Then every player pitches their solution to the problem. Of course, being no-nonsense billionaire tech-bro geniuses, they can only say two words to sum up their solution

jkap /
Last active November 23, 2017 18:06
jkap's coaster tier list

jae kap’s official coaster ranking

coaster count profile


  • BGT: Busch Gardens Tampa
  • BGW: Busch Gardens Williamsburg
  • CGA: California’s Great America
  • DAK: Disney’s Animal Kingdom
  • DCA: Disney’s California Adventure

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am jkap on github.
  • I am jkap ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASBufboPbT2iX6kOsLi9lsDpYLl-b9pkB7iia3ZbW5lRGgo

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