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Created May 17, 2022 13:36
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Plot PFC3D fragments as polygons
import numpy as np
import scipy.spatial
import networkx as nx
import itasca as it
from itasca import ballarray as ba
from collections import defaultdict
import itertools
def draw_fragment(points,faces,i):
gname = "tmp{}.geom".format(i)
f = open(gname, "w")
print("ITASCA GEOMETRY3D", file=f)
print("NODES", file=f)
for j, p in enumerate(points):
x,y,z = p
print(j+1, x, y, z, "EXTRA 1 0", file=f)
print("POLYS", file=f)
for j, t in enumerate(faces):
n0, n1, n2 = t
print(j+1, "NODE", n0+1, n1+1, n2+1, "EXTRA 1 0", file=f)
it.command('geom import "{}" format geometry'.format(gname))
def mesh_fragments(min_size=10, tol=4.0, explode=0, explode_xyz=False):
current_bond_list = set(((c.end1().id(), c.end2().id()) for c in \"mechanical") if
(c.model()=='linearpbond' and
clusters = nx.algorithms.connected_components(G)
big_fragments = [l for l in clusters if len(l)>min_size]
max_rad = ba.radius().max()
for fid, fragment in enumerate(big_fragments): # ball ids.
keep = []
points = np.array([it.ball.find(p).pos() for p in fragment])
tets = scipy.spatial.Delaunay(points, qhull_options="Qbb Qc Qz Qx")
edges = ((0,1),(0,2),(0,3),(1,2),(1,3),(2,3))
indices = ((0,1,2), (1,2,3), (0,2,3), (0,1,3))
for i, nl in enumerate(tets.simplices): # for each tet
edge_lengths = np.array([np.linalg.norm(tets.points[nl[e0]]-tets.points[nl[e1]])
for e0, e1 in edges])
if (edge_lengths < 4*max_rad).all():
face_hash = defaultdict(int)
for tet in keep: # indices into point list
for n0,n1,n2 in indices:
face = [tet[n0], tet[n1],tet[n2]]
face_hash[tuple(face)] += 1
outside_faces = [k for k,v in face_hash.items() if v == 1]
uniques = list(set(itertools.chain(*outside_faces)))
pmap = {v : i for i,v in enumerate(uniques)}
face_points = points[uniques]
centroid = np.sum(face_points, axis=0)/len(face_points)
if not explode_xyz:
centroid[2] = 0
offset = centroid/np.linalg.norm(centroid) * explode
face_points += offset
draw_fragment(face_points, [[pmap[t[j]] for j in range(3)]
for t in outside_faces],fid)
if __name__ == '__main__':
it.command("geometry delete")
mesh_fragments(explode=0.0, explode_xyz=True)
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