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Created November 1, 2018 22:36
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Consistency & Linearizability - DistSys Lecture - Nov 1st, 2018

We want to make sure that our distributed backend data store can run concurrently and give us results as if it was running sequentially

Guarantees of Linearizability

Single-client, single-replica semantics

We’re used to writing code as if there is only one front-end and only one replica in the backend

Reads give us the last write

  • When a write occurs, all the replicas need to have the new data

Total Ordering of Requests

Pros and Cons of Linearizability


  • Single-store semantics makes things easy to think about


  • It’s hard to make sure the code runs properly
  • We cannot always guarantee linearizability in the backend

Updating Backends to be Consistent

Passive Replication (“Star Pattern”)

When replica A receives a write request, A sends requests to the other replicas to update their data

Active Replication

The frontend has to talk to make a request to all replicas to make a write request and wait for acknowledgements from all of them

Linearizability is not practical in large system so we want to weaken some of the guarantees

Maybe we don’t always need to:

  • see the last write
  • have total ordering of requests

Sequential Consistency

  • everything runs in program order (rather than real-time order)
  • writes can be delayed arbitrarily which is what makes this a non-linearizable data store

writes -> — a -> b -> c — <- reads

  • The frontend can be update just replica A, then A talks to the next replica in the “chain”
  • When the frontend reads, it asks the last replica in the “chain”

Memory Barriers (from OS / CompArch)

  • RAM is not linearizable, but it is sequential consistent
  • We use memory barriers to pause a program to wait for all writes to be finished before we read

Both Sequential Consistency and Linearizability offer single-store semantics

Causal Consistency

This is code is not sequentially consistent or linearizable, but it is causally consistent because W(x)3 and W(x)2 are running concurrently so it is okay that the later reads are getting different values

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