Components of a Language & Function Polymorphism in Haskell - Programming Languages - Sep 10th, 2019
- Syntax consists of:
- Identifier
- Operators, Punctuation
- Keywords, reserved words
- Whitespace
- Literals, Constants
- int, float, string, char
A parse tree is generated by a compiler or interpreter when you compile or run code
- Statements
- Expressions
- Multi Expressions
- Atoms
An AST is generated from a Parse Tree
- Punctuation, whitespace are removed
- A Symbol has:
- representation (how it looks)
- denotation (what it means)
- type
- memory location
- value
- modifiers
- ex: const, volatile
- scope
The process of mapping representation to denotation in Symbol Table
Some languages do name resolution at compile time (C++) and other languages do it at runtime (Python)
In Python, the symbol table entry for a variables does not store the type of the variable because it has dynamic typing.
- ex: “foo” -> {value: “3”}
In C++, the symbol table entry for variable stores type and the memory address of the variable ,but not the actual value.
- ex: “foo” -> {type: int, addr: 0x0000001}
Notice how similar the code for the below functions stringLength
and intListLength
stringLength :: String -> Int
stringLength "" = 0
stringLength (h:t) =
let tailLength = stringLength t
in 1 + tailLength
intListLength :: [Int] -> Int
intListLength [] = 0
intListLength (h:t) =
let tailLength = intListLength t
in 1 + tailLength
Instead of making two different functions, you can create one generic or polymorphic function that works with any list type
ListLength :: [a] -> Int
ListLength [] = 0
ListLength (h:t) =
let tailLength = ListLength t
in 1 + tailLength
Lets write a function that can reverse a list in haskell Note: every item in a list in Haskell has to be the same type
myreverse :: [a] -> [a]
myreverse [] = []
myreverse (h:t) = myreverse t ++ [h]