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Functions to Support CPE and Census Data Alignment
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################################################################################ | |
# Functions to find the data | |
################################################################################ | |
# Finders | |
# Simple functions that take the ID code from CPE (e.g. 49-00039) and look up | |
# the respective data for it in the structure provided in teh competition | |
find_police_shape <- function(dept_id, kaggle_kernel = FALSE) { | |
if(kaggle_kernel == TRUE) { | |
prefix = "../input/cpe-data/" | |
} else { | |
prefix = "data/" | |
} | |
# This function will be modified when placed in a production environment to | |
# follow the data storage/path scheme used in production. Could be modified | |
# to even fetch data from a DB or from a web-service | |
fl <- list.files(paste0(prefix, "Dept_", dept_id, "/", dept_id, "_Shapefiles"), | |
full.names = TRUE) | |
path_to_sf <- grep(".shp", fl, value = TRUE)[1] | |
return(path_to_sf) | |
} | |
find_police_csv <- function(dept_id, kaggle_kernel = FALSE) { | |
if(kaggle_kernel == TRUE) { | |
prefix = "../input/cpe-data/" | |
} else { | |
prefix = "data/" | |
} | |
fl <- list.files(paste0(prefix, "Dept_", dept_id), | |
full.names = TRUE) | |
# What if there is more than 1 csv? | |
# For now we just return first | |
path_to_csv <- grep(".csv", fl, value = TRUE)[1] | |
return(path_to_csv) | |
} | |
#############----------------- | |
# Functions to read in the data | |
###############-------------- | |
get_county <- function(city, state) { | |
result <- ggmap::geocode(paste0(city, ",", state), output = "latlona", source = "google") | |
# rounding? | |
result[, 1] <- round(result[, 1], 2) | |
result[, 2] <- round(result[, 2], 2) | |
county <- latlong2county(result[, 1:2]) | |
county <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(county, split = ","), "[", 2)) | |
# Check for NA | |
# return mc for missincounty | |
# round to a lower resolution | |
mc <- which( | |
result[mc, 1] <- round(result[mc, 1], 1) | |
result[mc, 2] <- round(result[mc, 2], 1) | |
county2 <- latlong2county(result[mc, 1:2]) | |
county2 <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(county2, split = ","), "[", 2)) | |
county[mc] <- county2 | |
return(county) | |
} | |
# Retrievers | |
# Need Google for geocoding the county | |
get_police_zones <- function(path_to_sf, city, state, county) { | |
# First we read in the shapefile | |
police_districts <- rgdal::readOGR(dsn = path_to_sf, | |
stringsAsFactors = FALSE) | |
# Next, we standardize all police shapefiles as they come in to use a | |
# projection compatible with the ACS. We do this by downloading the TIGRIS | |
# file for each shapefile and getting its projection string | |
admin_shapes <- tigris::tracts(state = state, county = county, cb = TRUE) | |
# Extract projection | |
proj_use <- CRS(paste0(admin_shapes@proj4string)) | |
# # Currently Austin TX is missing any projection information in the shapefile | |
# # This function includes a workaround to project Austin to the coordinate | |
# # reference system used by the police x,y coordinate system in the Austin | |
# # data. This section could include more robust logic after analyzing additional | |
# # shapefiles with non-standard projections. | |
if ( { | |
proj4string(police_districts) <- CRS("+init=epsg:3664") | |
} | |
# Reproject the shapefile using the spTransform function | |
police_districts <- sp::spTransform(police_districts, proj_use) | |
# One funny thing is that police boundary files can extend far out into the | |
# water. This makes resulting maps look unfamiliar to the public. We can use | |
# the Census TIGRIS files to fetch the water boundaries and then slice off | |
# # any police boundaries that extend into the water | |
outline <- tigris::counties(state = state, | |
cb = TRUE, | |
resolution = "500k") | |
# Define the intersection | |
outline <- rgeos::gUnaryUnion(outline) | |
# Slice and return only the overlap | |
police_districts <- rgeos::intersect(police_districts, outline) | |
return(police_districts) | |
} | |
# Get the CSV police data | |
get_police_data <- function(path_to_pd_data) { | |
# Most of the CPE data files seem to have two headers | |
# This just removes the second header and keeps the first | |
# Which appears to be more standardized | |
all_content = readLines(path_to_pd_data, encoding = "UTF-8") | |
skip_second = all_content[-2] | |
# If the datafiles got huge it could be worth considering an alternative | |
# function to read the data in, but for this size read.csv works fine | |
dat <- read.csv(file = textConnection(skip_second, encoding = "UTF-8"), | |
stringsAsFactors = FALSE, | |
header = TRUE, fileEncoding = "UTF-8 BOM") | |
# CSV files can be encoded weird, some of the files here have a BOM at | |
# the start of the file, a UTF-8 BOM | |
# Without too much work we can just sub it out if it appears | |
if (any(grepl("ï..", names(dat)))) { | |
names(dat) <- gsub("ï..", replacement = "", names(dat)) | |
} | |
# Handling for bad column name | |
if ("SUBJECT_RACT" %in% names(dat)) { | |
} | |
return(dat) | |
} | |
# Get Census data from the API | |
get_census_data <- function(state, county, geography = "tract", | |
variables = NULL) { | |
# We can start with a default set of Census variables, but the user | |
# can pass a named character vector of variables and their Census ID number | |
if (is.null(variables)) { | |
message("Using default variables") | |
variables <- c("total_people" = "DP05_0028", | |
"total_households" = "DP02_0001", | |
"total_family_households" = "DP02_0002", | |
"total_white" = "DP05_0032", | |
"total_black" = "DP05_0033", | |
"total_hispanic" = "DP05_0066", | |
"age_over_18" = "DP05_0018") | |
} | |
census_geo <- tidycensus::get_acs(geography = geography, variables = variables, | |
state = state, county = county, geometry = TRUE) | |
return(census_geo) | |
} | |
##################-------------------------------------------------------- | |
## Clean and normalize geometry data | |
#################--------------------------------------------- | |
# Make shape file polygon dataframe have unique rownames | |
makeUniform <- function(SPDF){ | |
pref <- substitute(SPDF) #just putting the file name in front. | |
newSPDF <- spChFIDs(SPDF, | |
as.character(paste(pref, | |
rownames(as(SPDF,"data.frame")), | |
sep = "_"))) | |
return(newSPDF) | |
} | |
# Census data bound to police polygon data | |
census_to_pd_bound <- function(pd_poly, census_poly, pd_poly_id = NULL, | |
type = c("sums", "means")) { | |
# Use GEOID as the default | |
if(is.null(pd_poly_id)) { | |
pd_poly_id <- names(pd_poly@data)[1] | |
# pd_poly_id <- "GEOID" | |
} | |
# We need to convert to a spatial frame object to take advantage of area | |
# function and in so doing need to preserve the coordinate systems | |
census_poly <- st_transform(census_poly, as.character(pd_poly@proj4string)) | |
try({ | |
cd_poly <- sf::as_Spatial(st_cast(census_poly, "MULTIPOLYGON")) | |
}) | |
if(!exists("cd_poly")) { | |
cd_poly <- sf::as_Spatial(st_cast(census_poly, "POLYGON")) | |
} | |
# Unify coordinate systems | |
if(class(pd_poly) == "SpatialPointsDataFrame") { | |
pd_poly <- spTransform(pd_poly, CRS(st_crs(census_poly)$proj4string)) | |
} else { | |
pd_poly <- makeUniform(pd_poly) | |
pd_poly <- spTransform(pd_poly, CRS(st_crs(census_poly)$proj4string)) | |
} | |
# Compute the area of each tract and append it, this is needed for computing | |
# the proportion lying in the police boundary | |
cd_poly@data$tract_area <- area(cd_poly) | |
# Find the census vars we are gong to use | |
vars <- unique(cd_poly$variable) | |
# set up a dataframe to store our variables in a loop | |
out <-,numeric(0), simplify = F), | |
vars)) | |
# We need to loop through each polygon in the police data | |
# Find every polygon it intersects with in the Census data | |
# then we calculate the proportion of the Census polygon that lies within the PD | |
# polygon | |
# We create a weight for each Census polygon based on the proportion of its | |
# area in the police polygon | |
# Then, depending on our measure type, we take a weighted sum (counts) or a | |
# weighted mean (percentages, rates, average income, etc.) | |
for(i in unique(pd_poly@data[, pd_poly_id])){ | |
# Slice out one polygon at a time | |
tmp_poly <- pd_poly[pd_poly@data[,pd_poly_id ]== i,] | |
# Workaround for column names not stored correctly | |
if(nrow(tmp_poly@data) == 0) { | |
tmp_poly <- pd_poly[pd_poly@data[,pd_poly_id ]== as.character(i),] | |
} | |
# Compute the intersection of the census and the selected PD polygon | |
zzz <- raster::intersect(cd_poly, tmp_poly) | |
# calculate the intersection area | |
zzz@data$intersect_area <- area(zzz) | |
# Now take the proportion of the intersecting area out of the total area | |
# for all the tracts that cross into the PD district | |
zzz@data$weight <- zzz@data$intersect_area/zzz@data$tract_area | |
if(type == "sums") { | |
out_df <- zzz@data %>% group_by(variable) %>% | |
mutate(weight_est = estimate * weight) %>% | |
# We ignore NAs here because if the Census polygon has no data, we | |
# can safely count it as 0 | |
summarize(estimate = sum(weight_est, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% | |
mutate("id" = i) %>% | | | |
} else if(type == "means") { | |
out_df <- zzz@data %>% group_by(variable) %>% | |
summarize(estimate = weighted.mean(estimate, weight, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% | |
mutate("id" = i) %>% | | | |
} | |
out_df <- reshape(out_df, direction = "wide", timevar = "variable") | |
out <- rbind(out, out_df) | |
} | |
# key_by <- c(pd_poly_id = "id") | |
pd_poly@data <- merge(pd_poly@data, out, by.x = pd_poly_id, | |
by.y = "id") | |
return(pd_poly) | |
} | |
# Example census data variable definitions | |
census_count_variables <- | |
c("total_people" = "DP05_0028", | |
"total_households" = "DP02_0001", | |
"total_family_households" = "DP02_0002", | |
"total_white" = "DP05_0032", | |
"total_black" = "DP05_0033", | |
"total_hispanic" = "DP05_0066", | |
"age_over_18" = "DP05_0018") | |
census_rate_variables <- | |
c("percent_white" = "DP05_0032P", | |
"occupied_housing" = "DP04_0002P", | |
"health_insurance_cov" = "DP03_0096P", | |
"median_family_income" = "DP03_0086") | |
# Take the list of Census Data and police data and combine it into a new police | |
# boundary object with the census data | |
augment_census_data <- function(city_list) { | |
census_sf <- get_census_data(state = city_list$state, county = city_list$county, | |
geography = "tract", variables = census_count_variables) | |
zzz <- census_to_pd_bound(pd_poly = city_list$pz, | |
census_poly = census_sf, type = "sums") | |
census_sf <- get_census_data(state = city_list$state, county = city_list$county, | |
geography = "tract", variables = census_rate_variables) | |
zzb <- census_to_pd_bound(pd_poly = city_list$pz, | |
census_poly = census_sf, type = "means") | |
zzz@data <- left_join(zzz@data, zzb@data) | |
return(zzz) | |
} | |
# Unify police boundaries and combine police boundaries with police data | |
augment_pd_census <- function(city_list) { | |
if ("lat" %in% names(city_list$pd)) { | |
# drop NA | |
df <- city_list$pd[!$pd$lat), ] | |
city_points <- st_as_sf(x = df, | |
coords = c("lon", "lat"), | |
crs = as.character(city_list$pz@proj4string)) | |
out <- st_intersection(city_points, st_as_sf(city_list$pz)) | |
} else { | |
experiment <- st_as_sf(city_list$pz) | |
experiment$LOCATION_DISTRICT <- as.character(experiment$LOCATION_DISTRICT) | |
city_list$pd$LOCATION_DISTRICT <- as.character(city_list$pd$LOCATION_DISTRICT) | |
out <- left_join(city_list$pd, experiment, by = c("LOCATION_DISTRICT")) | |
} | |
return(out) | |
} | |
#########################--------------------------------- | |
# Cleaning data | |
###################_----------------------------------------- | |
# Functions that take a dataframe from CPE and return the dataframe with columns | |
# cleaned | |
detect_cpe_data_type <- function(df) { | |
# Rough and ready rules for using column logic to detect the type of | |
# incident data in the CPE files | |
# Four possiblities for now | |
# UOF | |
# UOF + INJURY | |
# OIS | |
# ARREST | |
if (any(grepl("TYPE_OF_FORCE_USED", names(df)))) { | |
if (any(grepl("INJURY", names(df)))) { | |
return("UOF+INJURY") | |
} else { | |
return("UOF") | |
} | |
} else if (any(c("SUBJECT_INJURY_TYPE", | |
"SUBJECT_DEATH") %in% names(df))) { | |
return("OIS") | |
} | |
if (any(grepl("SEARCH", names(df)))) { | |
return("SEARCH+VEHICLE") | |
} else { | |
return("ARREST") | |
} | |
} | |
# Normalize and standardize incident IDs | |
recode_incident_ids <- function(df) { | |
if("RIN" %in% names(df)) { | |
df$RIN <- NULL | |
} | |
# Double ID from Boston | |
if("INCIDENT_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER.1" %in% names(df)) { | |
} | |
# Seattle | |
if("INCIDENT_UNIQUE.IDENTIFIER.1" %in% names(df)) { | |
} | |
# Deal with UOF number for dallas | |
if("UOF_NUMBER" %in% names(df)) { | |
} | |
# Deal with faulty encoding | |
if(!"INCIDENT_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER" %in% names(df) & | |
any(grepl("INCIDENT_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER", names(df)))) { | |
var <- grep("INCIDENT_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER", names(df), value = TRUE) | |
df[, var] <- NULL | |
} | |
if(!"INCIDENT_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER" %in% names(df)) { | |
} | |
return(df) | |
} | |
# Calculate the proportion of a vector that is missing | |
# Use to identify the quality of latitude and longitude coordinates | |
prop_na <- function(x) { | |
D <- length(x) | |
N <- length(x[]) | |
return(round((N/D), digits = 2)) | |
} | |
# Fix Austin data to have proper coordinates | |
# Work with other variables to standardize on lat lon variable names | |
normalize_location <- function(df) { | |
if (any(grepl("latitude", names(df), = TRUE))) { | |
# Calculate proportion missing lat/lon | |
# We can use this in the current set of data to identify alternative coordinate | |
# storage. | |
missing_lat <- prop_na(df[, grep("latitude", names(df), = TRUE, value = TRUE)]) | |
missing_long <- prop_na(df[, grep("longitude", names(df), = TRUE, value = TRUE)]) | |
if (any(c(missing_lat, missing_long) > 0.1) & | |
any(grepl("Y_COORDINATE", names(df), = TRUE))) { | |
utm_coords <- df[, c("Y_COORDINATE", "Y_COORDINATE.1")] | |
# Convert to numeric | |
utm_coords <- sapply(utm_coords, as.numeric) | |
# Trim an obvious outlier | |
utm_coords <- na.omit(utm_coords[utm_coords[, 1] < 38800000, ]) | |
# lookup table for reference system: EPSG <- make_EPSG() | |
# Close EPSG:3664 | |
# Look up the refernece system | |
crs <- CRS("+init=epsg:3664") | |
# Identical EPSG:2277 | |
# Convert to spatial points object | |
sputm <- SpatialPoints(coords = utm_coords[, c(1, 2)], | |
crs) | |
# conver tto spatial points | |
spgeo <- spTransform(sputm, CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")) | |
# Rejoin | |
# For now let's not worry about reconciling all possible data points, we only | |
# keep those we can geocode which is the vast majority | |
df <- df[!$Y_COORDINATE.1)), ] | |
df <- df[df[, "Y_COORDINATE"] < 38800000, ] | |
df[, colnames(spgeo@coords)] <- spgeo@coords | |
names(df)[which(names(df) %in% colnames(spgeo@coords))] <- c("lon", "lat") | |
} else { | |
names(df)[grep("latitude", names(df), = TRUE)] <- "lat" | |
names(df)[grep("longitude", names(df), = TRUE)] <- "lon" | |
} | |
} | |
return(df) | |
} | |
# Search for closely matching factor levels between two vectors of possible IDs | |
# This function could definitely be improved! | |
fuzz_finder <- function(levels, target) { | |
target <- as.character(target) | |
levels <- list(levels) | |
score <- 0 | |
for(i in 1:length(levels)) { | |
adder <- sum(agrepl(pattern = levels[[1]][i], x = target, | |
max.distance = list("deletions" = 0.25, "insertions" = 0.5, | |
"cost" = 0.5))) | |
adder <- ifelse(, 0, adder) | |
score <- score + adder | |
} | |
return(score) | |
} | |
# Normalize district IDs between pz and pd by renaming the ID variable in the | |
# Polygon the same as in the dataset LOCATION_DISTRICT | |
align_location_districts <- function(city_list) { | |
if(!"LOCATION_DISTRICT" %in% names(city_list$pd)) { | |
return(city_list$pz) | |
} else { | |
pd_ids <- unique(city_list$pd$LOCATION_DISTRICT) | |
best_score <- 0 | |
best_col <- 0 | |
for (i in 1:ncol(city_list$pz@data)) { | |
score <- fuzz_finder(pd_ids, city_list$pz@data[,i]) | |
# score <- sum(pd_ids %in% city_list$pz@data[, i]) | |
best_col <- ifelse(score > best_score, i, best_col) | |
best_score <- ifelse(score > best_score, score, best_score) | |
} | |
city_list$pz@data$LOCATION_DISTRICT <- city_list$pz@data[, best_col] | |
return(city_list$pz) | |
} | |
} | |
# Standardize USE OF FORCE LEVELS in CPE data | |
force_6_lev <- function(x) { | |
# Function adapted from | |
# | |
for(i in 1:ncol(x)) { | |
var <- as.character(x[, i]) | |
var[str_detect(var, paste(c('Level 1', 'level1','LEVEL 1', "LEVEL1", "Display", 'display'), | |
collapse = '|'))] <- "Officer presence (L1)" | |
var[str_detect(var, paste(c('Level 2', 'level2','LEVEL 2', "LEVEL2", "Verbal", "VERBAL"), | |
collapse = '|'))] <- "Verbal commands (L2)" | |
var[str_detect(var, paste(c('Level 3', 'level3','LEVEL 3', "LEVEL3", | |
"Pressure", "PRESSURE", 'Weight','WEiGHT', 'LVNR', | |
'Handcuffing', 'Hand', 'HAND','Down', 'DOWN', | |
'JOiNT', 'Joint Locks', 'ForceGeneral', | |
'BodilyForceType', 'BD', 'Combat', | |
'COMBAT', 'PiT', 'Leg', 'LEG'), collapse = '|'))] <- "Control Tactics (L3)" | |
var[str_detect(var, paste(c('Level 4', 'level4','LEVEL 4', | |
"LEVEL4", "Strike", 'Kick', "Physical", | |
'Chemirritant', "OC", "SPRAY", 'CHEMiCAL', | |
'pepper', 'Pepper', 'PEPPER', | |
'Projectile', 'ChemIrritant'), collapse = '|'))] <- "Hard control tactics (L4)" | |
var[str_detect(var, paste(c('Level 5', 'level5','LEVEL 5', "LEVEL5", | |
"Less Lethal", 'LESS LETHAL', 'Baton', | |
'BATON', "BatonForce", 'BATONFORCE', | |
"Taser", "TASER", 'CED', | |
'Conducted Energy Device', "Canine", | |
'CANiNE', 'K9', 'K-9', 'Weapon', 'WEAPON'), collapse = '|'))] <- "Weapons (L5)" | |
var[str_detect(var, paste(c('Level 6', 'level6','LEVEL 6', "LEVEL6", | |
"Vehicle", 'FirearmType', 'Shotgun', | |
'SHOTGUN','FiREARM', 'Firearm', | |
'SHOTS', 'Shots'), collapse = '|'))] <- "Lethal force (L6)" | |
var[str_detect(var, paste(c('-', 'Other','OTHER'), collapse = '|'))] <- "Other / missing" | |
x[, i] <- as.factor(var) | |
x[, i] <- droplevels(x[, i]) | |
} | |
if(ncol(x) == 1) { | |
return(as.factor(x[, 1])) | |
} else { | |
# Topcode use of force by most force used | |
x$allvar <- apply(x , 1 , paste , collapse = "-" ) | |
out <- data.frame("TYPE_OF_FORCE" = sapply(x$allvar, topcode_force_level), | |
stringsAsFactors = FALSE) | |
out <- as.factor(out[,1]) | |
return(out) | |
} | |
} | |
# For cases where we have multiple uses of force for one incident, let's take | |
# the most severe | |
topcode_force_level <- function(x) { | |
if (grepl("L6", x)) { | |
return("Lethal force (L6)") | |
} else if (grepl("L5", x)) { | |
return("Weapons (L5)") | |
} else if (grepl("L4", x)) { | |
return("Hard control tactics (L4)") | |
} else if (grepl("L3", x)) { | |
return("Control Tactics (L3)") | |
} else if (grepl("L2", x)) { | |
return("Verbal commands (L2)") | |
} else if (grepl("L1", x)) { | |
return("Officer presence (L1)") | |
} else { | |
return("None") | |
} | |
} | |
# Recode dataframe and return correct object types | |
force_recode <- function(df) { | |
force_vars <- grep("FORCE_USED", names(df), = TRUE, value = TRUE) | |
if (is.null(force_vars) | length(force_vars) == 0) { | |
return(df) | |
} else { | |
df$"TYPE_OF_FORCE" <- force_6_lev(df[, force_vars, drop = FALSE]) | |
return(df) | |
} | |
} | |
#Recode any variable with _RACE | |
recode_race <- function(df) { | |
race_vars <- grep("_RACE", names(df), value = TRUE) | |
if(length(race_vars) > 0) { | |
for(i in race_vars) { | |
df[, i] <- as.character(df[, i]) | |
df[, i][str_detect(df[, i], "Asian")] <- "Asian" | |
df[, i][str_detect (df[, i], "Black")] <- "Black" | |
df[, i][str_detect(df[, i], paste(c("Hispanic", "Latino"), collapse = '|'))] <- "Hispanic" | |
df[, i][str_detect(df[, i], "White")] <- "White" | |
df[, i][str_detect(df[, i], paste(c("Other","Native", "Ind", "Pac"), collapse = '|'))] <- "Other" | |
df[, i][str_detect(df[, i], paste(c("Unk", "UNK", | |
"DATA", "Data", "NULL", "Not", "specified", | |
"recorded"), collapse = '|'))] <- "Unknown" | |
# Letter-based, for remaining categories | |
df[, i][df[, i]=='A'] <- "Asian" | |
df[, i][df[, i]=='B'] <- "Black" | |
df[, i][df[, i]=='H'] <- "Hispanic" | |
df[, i][df[, i]=='W'] <- "White" | |
'%ni%' <- Negate('%in%'); | |
df[, i][df[, i] %ni% | |
c('Asian', 'Black', 'Hispanic', 'White') & | |
![, i]) ] <- "Other" | |
} | |
return(df) | |
} else { | |
return(df) | |
} | |
} | |
# Recode times | |
code_incident_time <- function(df) { | |
if(!"INCIDENT_TIME" %in% names(df)) { | |
return(df) | |
} else { | |
# TODO: Automatically find timezone | |
# Handling for cases wehre the date is recorded in the time - Boston | |
if(any(grep("/", df$INCIDENT_TIME))) { | |
tmp_time <- df$INCIDENT_TIME | |
} else { | |
tmp_time <- paste(df$INCIDENT_DATE, df$INCIDENT_TIME) | |
} | |
parse_date_time(tmp_time, | |
orders = c("Ymd HMS", "Ymd H!M!", "Ymd HM", "Ymd HMS p", | |
"mdy HM")) | |
return(df) | |
} | |
} |
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