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Created October 10, 2011 17:36
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Implementation of Pegasos SVM for Racket
#lang racket
; Racket implementation of "Pegasos: Primal Estimated sub-GrAdient SOlver for SVM"
; This is placed in the public domain, all rights are relinquished. Have at it.
; - Jay Kominek, 2011-10-10
(require racket/flonum)
(require (planet neil/levenshtein:1:3/levenshtein))
; performs one iteration/step of the pegasos algorithm
; this picks a random vector to optimize. if you wanted to rework
; this to work for massive data sets, this should be changed to
; take a single vector at a time, and the function invoking it
; should just feed them in efficiently
(define (pegasos-compute kernel vectors labels alphas λ t)
(let* ([i (random (vector-length vectors))]
[yi (vector-ref labels i)]
[xi (vector-ref vectors i)])
(fl> 1.0
(fl* yi (fl/ (fl* λ t))
(for/fold ([sum 0.0])
([alpha (in-vector alphas)]
[y (in-vector labels)]
[xj (in-vector vectors)]
[j (in-naturals)]
;#:when (not (= i j))
(fl+ sum (* alpha y (kernel xi xj))))))
; loops over the data set until done? indicates it's time to stop
(define (pegasos-optimize kernel vectors labels λ done?)
(let/ec exit
(let ([alphas (make-vector (vector-length vectors))])
(for ([t (in-naturals 1)])
(let ([incr (pegasos-compute kernel vectors labels alphas λ t)])
(when incr
(vector-set! alphas incr (add1 (vector-ref alphas incr))))
(when (done? t alphas)
(exit alphas)))))))
; evaluates an svm to get a decision
(define (evaluate v kernel vectors labels alphas)
(for/fold ([sum 0.0])
([alpha (in-vector alphas)]
[x (in-vector vectors)]
[y (in-vector labels)])
(fl+ sum (* alpha y (kernel x v)))))
; an implementation for done?
(define (iteration-limit n)
(lambda (iter alphas)
(> iter n)))
; an implementation for done?
(define (time-limit ms)
(let ([start #f])
(lambda (iter alphas)
(if (not start)
(set! start (current-milliseconds))
(> (- (current-milliseconds) start) ms)))))
; Kernels are all any/c -> flonum?
(define (linear/dict a b)
(for/fold ([sum 0.0])
([k (in-dict-keys a)])
(if (dict-has-key? b k)
(+ sum (* (dict-ref a k) (dict-ref b k)))
(define (linear/vector a b)
(for/fold ([sum 0.0])
([av (in-vector a)]
[bv (in-vector b)])
(+ sum (* av bv))))
(define (linear/fl-dict a b)
(for/fold ([sum 0.0])
([k (in-dict-keys a)])
(if (dict-has-key? b k)
(fl+ sum (fl* (dict-ref a k) (dict-ref b k)))
(define (linear/fl-vector a b)
(for/fold ([sum 0.0])
([av (in-vector a)]
[bv (in-vector b)])
(fl+ sum (fl* av bv))))
(define (gaussian-rbf/vector gamma)
(let ([ngamma (exact->inexact (- gamma))])
(lambda (a b)
(flexp (fl* ngamma
(for/fold ([sum 0.0])
([av (in-vector a)]
[bv (in-vector b)])
(fl+ sum (expt (exact->inexact (- av bv)) 2)))))))
(define (edit-kernel levenshtein [gamma 0.5])
(let ([g (exact->inexact gamma)])
(lambda (a b)
(flexp (fl- 0.0 (fl* g (exact->inexact (levenshtein a b))))))))
(define string-kernel (edit-kernel string-levenshtein 0.03125))
; Weee HOF's for making new kernels
(define (kernel+ k1 k2)
(lambda (a b)
(fl+ (k1 a b) (k2 a b))))
(define (kernel* k1 k2)
(lambda (a b)
(fl* (k1 a b) (k2 a b))))
; f : X -> Reals
(define (kernel-map f)
(lambda (a b)
(fl* (f a) (f b))))
(define (kernel-normalize k)
(lambda (a b)
(fl/ (k a b) (flsqrt (fl* (k a a) (k b b))))))
; two example data sets
(define data
#( #(-2 -2)
#(-2 -1)
#(-1 -2)
#(1 2)
#(2 2)
#(2 1) ))
(define labels
#(-1 -1 1 -1 1 1))
(define string-data
#( "add" "baa" "bad" "cab" "cad" "dab" "dad" ; words matching /[abcd]{3}/
"egg" "fee" "fie" "fig" "gee" "gig" "hie" )) ; words matching /[efgh]{3}/
(define string-labels
#( 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ))
; the above training algorithm will produce rather large values in alphas,
; but they can be scaled down just fine
(define (scale-alphas alphas)
(let ([m (for/fold ([m 0])
([a (in-vector alphas)])
(max m a))])
(for/vector ([a (in-vector alphas)])
(exact->inexact (/ a m)))))
(define alphas
(pegasos-optimize string-kernel string-data string-labels 0.001 (iteration-limit (/ 100 0.001)))))
(for ([v (in-vector string-data)]
[truth (in-vector string-labels)])
(printf "~a actual: ~a predicted: ~a~n" v truth (evaluate v string-kernel string-data string-labels alphas)))
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