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Jiri Konecny jkonecny12

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jkonecny12 / test.log
Last active November 29, 2024 16:55
Test log for logdetective
Start(bootstrap): installing dnf5 tooling
No matches found for the following disable plugin patterns: local, spacewalk, versionlock
Copr repository 18 MB/s | 3.8 MB 00:00
fedora 18 MB/s | 20 MB 00:01
updates 7.1 MB/s | 11 MB 00:01
Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:01 ago on Thu Nov 28 12:05:04 2024.
Dependencies resolved.
Package Architecture Version Repository Size
jkonecny12 / kakoune-copr-builder.conf
Created December 19, 2019 13:50
Copr builder configuration for Kakoune daily builds
# This is configuration file for Kakoune daily builds in COPR repository.
# Build is done by tool:
copr_user = jkonecny
copr_repo = kakoune
package = kakoune
jkonecny12 / kakoune-copr-builder.conf
Created April 24, 2019 14:31
kakoune daily builds copr builder configuration file: see
copr_user = jkonecny
copr_repo = kakoune
package = kakoune
git_url =
#archive_cmd = git archive HEAD --prefix=kakoune/ -o kakoune.tar.gz
archive_cmd = cd src/ && make version=$(grep "Version:" ../contrib/kakoune.spec | tr -s ' ' | cut -f 2 -d ' ') dist
git_branch = master
jkonecny12 /
Last active January 12, 2021 16:04
How to manage policies on Vivaldi (Kerberos SSO)

How to manage policies on Vivaldi (Kerberos, SSO)

I like Vivaldi. It is a nice modern browser. For me Vivaldi is the best, thanks to the possibilities it has like tabs in a tree structure and split screen inbuild. These are killer features for me! However, I struggled some time to enable Kerberos which is SSO mechanism heavily used in a company where I work. So I want to share with others how they can do that without spending hours by searching internet. This guide will show you how to set kerberos but it is not only for kerberos. By following this guide you can set basically wathever you need on system level.

To make kerberos work you need to specify two things to make it work:

  • AuthServerWhitelist
  • AuthNegotiateDelegateWhitelist
jkonecny12 / Simpleline-new_way_how
Last active January 17, 2018 09:39
Simpleline - new way how to write your

Simpleline is a text UI framework. Originally a part of the Anaconda installer project. It is designed to be used with line-based machines and tools (e.g. serial console) so that every new line it appended to the bottom of the screen. Printed lines are never rewritten! It is written completely in Python 3 with a possibility to have [non-python event loops]{.std .std-ref}{.reference .internal}. By default you can use GLib event loop or Simpleline's event loop. With the exception of optional event loops, Simpleline has almost

jkonecny12 /
Created September 27, 2017 13:06
The Anaconda installer may install Windows 11

The whole IT sector is changing now. A year ago no-one would thought that Linux and Windows could co-operate in any way. However it seems now that this rapid situation change have really nice benefits for both sides.

Anaconda currently used for installations of RHEL, Fedora and CentOS Linux distributions should be modified to install even new Windows versions. The Windows 11 installation by Anaconda is now only in testing phase but it looks promising so far.

This could be the key point for the whole IT sector and I'm looking forward where this deep rabbit hole will go.

jkonecny12 /
Created September 27, 2017 13:05
Space requirement check in Anaconda reworked for Fedora 23

Before the release of Fedora 23 I was working on a bug which have caused Anaconda to fail the installation because of RPM transaction check error. This brought me to the investigation of the required space check. It eventually lead to complete rework of the space requirement check in Anaconda. I would like to explain why this was needed and how is it working now.

The problem of the old space check

The old solution was really minimalistic. It read installed size of all required packages from DNF Python interface and then added 35 percent as a 'bonus'. Why 35 percent? It is hard to tell. The number seems to be the result of some old empiric testing - too old to know for sure. And why to use 'bonus' at all? Because the value obtained from DNF is only a portion of space which is really needed for the installation. DNF computes installed package size as a sum of all file sizes in a package. It looks somewhat reasonable but it is sti

jkonecny12 /
Last active October 23, 2018 10:24
How to run Kuki in Docker

Jak zprovoznit Kuki TV v Dockeru

Proč mít Kuki TV v Dockeru?

Co je Kuki TV? Kuki TV je televizní aplikace pro počítač, ale i pro Android a chytré televize. Tato televize (alespoň podle mého názoru) je aplikace postavená na KODI (původně XBMC). Velkou výhodou je, že má i podporu pro Linux. Přesněji pro Ubuntu,

jkonecny12 /
Last active January 11, 2017 14:48
jkonecny12 /
Last active September 27, 2017 13:09
Multi selection in Anaconda

Exciting news people! Anaconda now has the desired multiselection in Custom storage spoke which was required for a long time. You can try it in Fedora 24 alpha and Rawhide. I know, it should have been there already but there were way too many other issues to settle before this one.

You can now use SHIFT+click and CTRL+click on multiple items. And you can then remove all selected items at once. This should be really nice for those using snapshots or many partitions.

I hope you will like this and please contact me if you are missing any other feature. I would like to help you with any future Anaconda issue.

