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Jason Kotchoff jkotchoff

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jkotchoff /
Last active December 22, 2015 19:09 — forked from Arood/
Updated the gist for @_StockLight. As per @jeffbonnes advice at @ticonf melbourne 2013, this version expects a Resources/images directory (instead of Resources/iphone/images) that contains the standard and @2x images which are served straight to iOS and also MDPI Android devices.
type mogrify >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "» This script requires mogrify. Please install ImageMagick first!"; exit 1; }
rm -rf Resources/android/images
mkdir Resources/android/images
mkdir Resources/android/images/res-xhdpi
mkdir Resources/android/images/res-mdpi
echo " » Copying the splash screen"
cp Resources/iphone/Default.png Resources/android/images/res-mdpi/default.png
cp Resources/iphone/[email protected] Resources/android/images/res-xhdpi/default.png