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Created February 21, 2012 09:07
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Homebrew formula for cmake with Xcode 4.3 fixes
require 'formula'
class Cmake < Formula
head '', :tag => 'b8aa20c2913e91609c424d55fbb3d56cc5cd3dba'
homepage ''
def install
# A framework-installed expat will be detected and mess things up.
if File.exist? "/Library/Frameworks/expat.framework"
opoo "/Library/Frameworks/expat.framework detected"
puts <<-EOS.undent
This will be picked up by CMake's build system and likey cause the
build to fail, trying to link to a 32-bit version of expat.
You may need to move this file out of the way for this brew to work.
if ENV['GREP_OPTIONS'] == "--color=always"
opoo "GREP_OPTIONS is set to '--color=always'"
puts <<-EOS.undent
Having `GREP_OPTIONS` set this way causes CMake builds to fail.
You will need to `unset GREP_OPTIONS` before brewing.
system "./bootstrap", "--prefix=#{prefix}",
system "make"
system "make install"
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