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Last active June 21, 2022 13:43
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Save jkuipers/5658672 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
FreeMarker macros for rendering Bootstrap horizontal form inputs in Spring-MVC applications
<#ftl strip_whitespace=true>
<#import "spring.ftl" as spring />
<#-- This file contains form-related macros for use in the other Freemarker template files.
The generated HTML is intended for use with Twitter Bootstrap based forms. -->
* radioButtons
* @param path the name of the field to bind to
* @param options a map (value=label) of all the available options
* @param classes any additional classes for the surrounding label element (such as 'inline')
* @param messageKey key to lookup in resource bundle, defaults to path
<#macro radioButtons path options classes="" checkId=false messageKey=path>
<@spring.bind path/>
<#assign error><#if spring.status.errorMessages?has_content>error</#if></#assign>
<div class="control-group ${error}">
<#-- use id for selected check if property is an entity -->
<#if checkId && spring.status.value??><#assign in spring></#if>
<label class="control-label">
<@spring.message messageKey/>
<#if error?has_content><span class="help-block">${spring.status.errorMessages?first}</span></#if>
<div class="controls">
<#list options?keys as value>
<#assign id="${spring.status.expression?replace('[','')?replace(']','')}${value_index}">
<label class="radio ${classes}">
<input type="radio" id="${id}" name="${spring.status.expression}" value="${value?html}"<#if spring.stringStatusValue == value?string> checked</#if> >
* textInput
* @param path the name of the field to bind to
* @param attributes any additional attributes for the element (such as class or CSS styles or size)
* @param messageKey key to lookup in resource bundle, defaults to path
* @param type input type: defaults to "text"
<#macro textInput path attributes="" messageKey=path type="text">
<@spring.bind path/>
<#assign error><#if spring.status.errorMessages?has_content>error</#if></#assign>
<div class="control-group ${error}">
<#assign id="${spring.status.expression?replace('[','')?replace(']','')}">
<label class="control-label" for="${id}"><@spring.message messageKey/></label>
<div class="controls">
<input type="${type}" id="${id}" name="${spring.status.expression}" value="${spring.stringStatusValue}" ${attributes}>
<#if error?has_content><span class="help-inline">${spring.status.errorMessages?first}</span></#if>
* textArea
* @param path the name of the field to bind to
* @param attributes any additional attributes for the element (such as class or CSS styles or size)
* @param messageKey key to lookup in resource bundle, defaults to path
<#macro textArea path attributes="" messageKey=path>
<@spring.bind path/>
<#assign error><#if spring.status.errorMessages?has_content>error</#if></#assign>
<div class="control-group ${error}">
<#assign id="${spring.status.expression?replace('[','')?replace(']','')}">
<label class="control-label" for="${id}"><@spring.message messageKey/></label>
<div class="controls">
<textarea id="${id}" name="${spring.status.expression}" ${attributes}>${spring.stringStatusValue}</textArea>
<#if error?has_content><span class="help-inline">${spring.status.errorMessages?first}</span></#if>
* singleSelect
* Show a selectbox (dropdown) input element allowing a single value to be chosen
* from a list of options.
* @param path the name of the field to bind to
* @param options a map (value=label) or list (value) of all the available options
* @param attributes any additional attributes for the select element (such as class or CSS styles or size)
* @param checkId does path refer to an entity and should the selected check be done based on that entity's id (defaults to false)
* @param emptyOption should an empty first option be inserted (defaults to false); an empty option is also created when an empy
string makes up the value of the option
<#macro singleSelect path options messageKey=path attributes="" checkId=false emptyOption=false>
<@spring.bind path/>
<#-- use id for selected check if property is an entity -->
<#if checkId && spring.status.value??><#assign in spring></#if>
<#assign error><#if spring.status.errorMessages?size gt 0>error</#if></#assign>
<div class="control-group ${error}">
<#assign id="${spring.status.expression?replace('[','')?replace(']','')}">
<label class="control-label" for="${id}"><@spring.message messageKey/></label>
<div class="controls">
<select id="${id}" name="${spring.status.expression}" ${attributes}>
<#if emptyOption>
<option value="">-- <@spring.message "select.choose"/> --</option>
<#if options?is_hash>
<#list options?keys as value>
<#assign label><#if value = "">-- <@spring.message "select.choose"/> --<#else>${options[value]?html}</#if></#assign>
<option value="${value?html}" <@spring.checkSelected value/>>${label}</option>
<#list options as value>
<#assign label><#if value = "">-- <@spring.message "select.choose"/> --<#else>${value?html}</#if></#assign>
<option value="${value?html}" <@spring.checkSelected value/>>${label}</option>
<@spring.showErrors ", " "help-inline"/>
* submitButton
* @param value submit input value (default to message with key '')
* @param buttonStyle extra classes to add to button (defaults to "save-button")
* @param controlGroup should the input be wrapped in a Bootstrap .control-group with a .controls? (defaults to true)
<#macro submitButton value=rc.getMessage('') buttonStyle="save-button" controlGroup=true>
<#if controlGroup>
<div class="control-group">
<div class="controls">
<input type="submit" value="${value}" class="${buttonStyle}">
<#if controlGroup>
* checkboxes
* Show checkboxes.
* @param path the name of the field to bind to
* @param options a map (value=label) of all the available options
* @param attributes any additional attributes for the element (such as class or CSS styles or size)
<#macro checkboxes path options attributes="">
<@spring.bind path/>
<#list options?keys as value>
<#assign id="${spring.status.expression?replace('[','')?replace(']','')}${value_index}">
<#assign isSelected = spring.contains(spring.status.actualValue?default([""]), value)>
<div class="control-group">
<label class="control-label" for="${id}">${options[value]?html}</label>
<div class="controls">
<input type="checkbox" id="${id}" name="${spring.status.expression}" value="${value?html}"<#if isSelected> checked="checked"</#if> ${attributes}>
<input type="hidden" name="_${spring.status.expression}" value="on"/>
* enumcheckboxes
* Show checkboxes based on enum values. Labels are resource bundle lookups by "[enumType.class.simpleName].[name]", falling back to enum's toString().
* @param path the name of the field to bind to
* @param enum fully qualified type name of the enum
* @param attributes any additional attributes for the element (such as class or CSS styles or size)
<#macro enumcheckboxes path enum attributes="">
<@spring.bind path/>
<#list enums[enum]?values as value>
<#assign id="${spring.status.expression?replace('[','')?replace(']','')}${value_index}">
<#assign isSelected = spring.contains(spring.status.actualValue?default([""]), value)>
<div class="control-group">
<label class="control-label" for="${id}"><@spring.messageText (value.class.simpleName + '.' + value.toString()/></label>
<div class="controls">
<input type="checkbox" id="${id}" name="${spring.status.expression}" value="${}"<#if isSelected> checked="checked"</#if> ${attributes}>
<input type="hidden" name="_${spring.status.expression}" value="on"/>
* checkbox
* Show a single checkbox.
* @param path the name of the field to bind to
* @param messageKey resource key to lookup, defaults to path
* @param attributes any additional attributes for the element (such as class or CSS styles or size)
<#macro checkbox path messageKey=path attributes="">
<@spring.bind path />
<#assign id="${spring.status.expression?replace('[','')?replace(']','')}">
<#assign isSelected = spring.status.value?? && spring.status.value?string=="true">
<input type="hidden" name="_${id}" value="on"/>
<div class="control-group">
<label class="control-label" for="${id}"><@spring.message messageKey/></label>
<div class="controls">
<input type="checkbox" id="${id}" name="${id}"<#if isSelected> checked="checked"</#if> ${attributes}/>
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