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Created August 10, 2012 03:05
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Nondeterministic automaton thing. Type-checks only with the commented-out ascription.
enum pc = u32;
struct state<S: copy> {
let state: S;
let pc: pc;
let idx: uint;
trait success<S: copy, R> {
fn succeed(state: &S) -> R;
trait action<S: copy> {
fn act(state: &mut S, pc: pc, idx: uint) -> pc;
trait atom<S: copy> {
fn consume(state: &S, l: lexbuf) -> option<uint>;
enum insn<S: copy, R, Su: copy success<S,R>, Ac: action<S>, At: atom<S>>
split(pc, pc),
type prog<S: copy, R, Su: copy success<S,R>, Ac: action<S>, At: atom<S>>
= ~[insn<S,R,Su,Ac,At>];
enum lexbuf = ~[u8];
enum outcome<S: copy, R> {
succeeded(fn(&S) -> R),
enum mode {
fn run_depth<S: copy, R, Su:copy success<S,R>, Ac:action<S>, At:atom<S>>
(lexbuf: lexbuf, prog: prog<S,R,Su,Ac,At>, s0: S, mode: mode)
-> option<R> {
let mut threads = ~[];
let mut here = state { state: s0, pc: pc(0), idx: 0 };
let mut best /* : option<(state<S>, Su)> */ = none;
loop {
let mut removeme = false;
let insn = &prog[*here.pc];
here.pc = pc(*here.pc + 1);
match *insn {
jmp(npc) => here.pc = npc,
action(ac) => {
here.pc = ac.act(&mut here.state, here.pc, here.idx)
split(npc0, npc1) => {
vec::push(threads, state { pc: npc1 with here });
here.pc = npc0;
atom(at) => match at.consume(&here.state, lexbuf) {
some(skip) => here.idx += skip,
none => removeme = true
success(su) => {
match mode {
first => return some(su.succeed(&here.state)),
longest => match best {
none =>
best = some((here, su)),
some((copy there, _)) if here.idx > there.idx =>
best = some((here, su)),
_ => { }
shortest => match best {
none =>
best = some((here, su)),
some((copy there, _)) if here.idx < there.idx =>
best = some((here, su)),
_ => { }
removeme = true;
if removeme {
if threads.len() == 0 {
} else {
here = vec::pop(threads);
do |hs| { let (here,s) = hs; s.succeed(&here.state) }
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