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Created May 15, 2018 13:16
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AWS ECS and ECR deployment via Docker and Gitlab CI
image: docker:latest
REGION: eu-central-1
- docker:dind
- apk add --no-cache curl jq python py-pip
- pip install awscli
- $(aws ecr get-login --no-include-email --region "${REGION}")
- IMAGE_TAG="$(echo $CI_COMMIT_SHA | head -c 8)"
- build
- deploy
stage: build
- echo "Building image..."
- docker build -t $REPOSITORY_URL:latest .
- echo "Tagging image..."
- echo "Pushing image..."
- docker push $REPOSITORY_URL:latest
- master
stage: deploy
- TASK_DEFINITION=$(aws ecs describe-task-definition --task-definition "$TASK_DEFINTION_NAME" --region "${REGION}")
- echo "Registering new container definition..."
- aws ecs register-task-definition --region "${REGION}" --family "${TASK_DEFINTION_NAME}" --container-definitions "${NEW_CONTAINER_DEFINTIION}"
- echo "Updating the service..."
- aws ecs update-service --region "${REGION}" --cluster "${CLUSTER_NAME}" --service "${SERVICE_NAME}" --task-definition "${TASK_DEFINTION_NAME}"
- master
import sys, json, argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('Replaces image in the task definition')
parser.add_argument('image_uri', metavar='I', type=str, nargs='+',
help='The new image URI')
args = parser.parse_args()
definition = json.load(sys.stdin)['taskDefinition']['containerDefinitions']
definition[0]['image'] = args.image_uri[0]
print json.dumps(definition)
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If you have volumes you can add the following:

- VOLUMES=$(echo $TASK_DEFINITION | jq '.taskDefinition.volumes')
- aws ecs register-task-definition --region "${REGION}" --family "${TASK_DEFINTION_NAME}" --container-definitions "${NEW_CONTAINER_DEFINTIION} --volumes "${VOLUMES}"

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tsuz commented Aug 14, 2019

- IMAGE_TAG="$(echo $CI_COMMIT_SHA | head -c 8)"

could also be replaced by



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I'm getting:

Pushing image...
$ docker push $REPOSITORY_URL:latest
The push refers to repository []
729283870dfa: Preparing
6ead9a587789: Preparing
1e0f48f41d21: Preparing
3bfeb766f97b: Preparing
ea1227feeccb: Preparing
9cae1895156d: Preparing
52dba9daa22c: Preparing
78c1b9419976: Preparing
no basic auth credentials

The internet's not being helpful. I've made a few suggested mods.

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kamihouse commented Oct 7, 2019

@davehodg try custom this:

Login: $(aws ecr get-login --no-include-email --region "${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION}")

  DOCKER_DRIVER: "overlay2"
  DOCKER_AUTH_CONFIG: "{\"credsStore\": \"ecr-login\"}"

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davehodg commented Oct 8, 2019

- docker build -t xxx .
- docker tag xxx:latest
- echo "Pushing image..."
- docker push
- $(aws ecr get-login --no-include-email --region eu-west-2| sed 's|https://||')
- aws ecs update-service --service xx-container-service --task-definition task-definition:20 --cluster xxx-cluster

Works fine!

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You can also add the following commands to check if the previous task was successfully stopped and the new one is started:

- TASK_ARN=$(aws ecs list-tasks --region "${REGION}" --cluster "${CLUSTER_NAME}" --service-name "${SERVICE_NAME}")
- TASK_ID=$(echo ${TASK_ARN:72:36})
- echo "Waiting until the previous task ${TASK_ID} is stopped..."
- aws ecs wait tasks-stopped --region "${REGION}" --cluster "${CLUSTER_NAME}" --tasks "${TASK_ID}"
- echo "The previous task ${TASK_ID} has stopped."
- TASK_ARN=$(aws ecs list-tasks --region "${REGION}" --cluster "${CLUSTER_NAME}" --service-name "${SERVICE_NAME}")
- TASK_ID=$(echo ${TASK_ARN:72:36})
- echo "New task ${TASK_ID} is running."
- aws ecs describe-tasks --region "${REGION}" --cluster "${CLUSTER_NAME}" --tasks "${TASK_ID}"

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ccetina commented Jun 27, 2020


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guerzon commented Aug 9, 2020

Hey, newbie question:

/bin/bash: line 102: apk: command not found

..isn't it support to be in the docker image?

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jlis commented Aug 11, 2020

Hey, newbie question:

/bin/bash: line 102: apk: command not found

..isn't it support to be in the docker image?

@guerzon APK is a package manager used by Alpine Linux (for example). It depends what image you're using. For Ubuntu, you might use APT.

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guerzon commented Aug 12, 2020

Hey, newbie question:
/bin/bash: line 102: apk: command not found
..isn't it support to be in the docker image?

@guerzon APK is a package manager used by Alpine Linux (for example). It depends what image you're using. For Ubuntu, you might use APT.

Yeah I'm aware of that, which was why I was kicking myself when I found out I was using another image in the step where this error showed up. Thanks, all good now.

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you can also use --query parameter instead of jq to get specific output:

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fgiudici95 commented Sep 4, 2020

Hey, newbie question:
/bin/bash: line 102: apk: command not found
..isn't it support to be in the docker image?

@guerzon APK is a package manager used by Alpine Linux (for example). It depends what image you're using. For Ubuntu, you might use APT.

Yeah I'm aware of that, which was why I was kicking myself when I found out I was using another image in the step where this error showed up. Thanks, all good now.

Hi @guerzon and @jlis
Can you share your gitlab-runner configuration?
I have the same problem as you.

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guerzon commented Sep 4, 2020

Hey, newbie question:
/bin/bash: line 102: apk: command not found
..isn't it support to be in the docker image?

@guerzon APK is a package manager used by Alpine Linux (for example). It depends what image you're using. For Ubuntu, you might use APT.

Yeah I'm aware of that, which was why I was kicking myself when I found out I was using another image in the step where this error showed up. Thanks, all good now.

Hi @guerzon and @jlis
Can you share your gitlab-runner configuration?
I have the same problem as you.

Hi, here is my working configuration:

Just to be clear, my issue was that the stage where I get this error was using another image, and it has nothing to do with my gitlab runner config. But hopefully the config works for you.

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I am running the same in GitlabCI but getting the authentication error in below command:

aws ecs register-task-definition --region "${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION}" --family "${TASK_DEFINITION_NAME}" --container-definitions "${NEW_CONTAINER_DEFINTIION}"

Error :"An error occurred (ClientException) when calling the RegisterTaskDefinition operation: Private repository authentication requires that the task definition specify a value for executionRoleArn."

How to pass the credentials for private repo.

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Kif11 commented Jun 8, 2021

If you don't want to have external definition file you can also do this.

aws ecs register-task-definition --region ${region} --family ${task_defintion_name} --container-definitions " \
    \"name\": \"hippo-ui\",
    \"image\": \"${image}\",
    \"cpu\": 10,
    \"memory\": 256,
    \"essential\": true,
    \"portMappings\": [
        \"containerPort\": 4200
    \"logConfiguration\": {
      \"logDriver\": \"awslogs\",
      \"options\": { 
        \"awslogs-group\" : \"/ecs/hippo-ui-container\",
        \"awslogs-region\": \"us-east-2\"

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You can also add the following commands to check if the previous task was successfully stopped and the new one is started:

- TASK_ARN=$(aws ecs list-tasks --region "${REGION}" --cluster "${CLUSTER_NAME}" --service-name "${SERVICE_NAME}")
- TASK_ID=$(echo ${TASK_ARN:72:36})
- echo "Waiting until the previous task ${TASK_ID} is stopped..."
- aws ecs wait tasks-stopped --region "${REGION}" --cluster "${CLUSTER_NAME}" --tasks "${TASK_ID}"
- echo "The previous task ${TASK_ID} has stopped."
- TASK_ARN=$(aws ecs list-tasks --region "${REGION}" --cluster "${CLUSTER_NAME}" --service-name "${SERVICE_NAME}")
- TASK_ID=$(echo ${TASK_ARN:72:36})
- echo "New task ${TASK_ID} is running."
- aws ecs describe-tasks --region "${REGION}" --cluster "${CLUSTER_NAME}" --tasks "${TASK_ID}"

You can also add the following commands to check if the previous task was successfully stopped and the new one is started:

- TASK_ARN=$(aws ecs list-tasks --region "${REGION}" --cluster "${CLUSTER_NAME}" --service-name "${SERVICE_NAME}")
- TASK_ID=$(echo ${TASK_ARN:72:36})
- echo "Waiting until the previous task ${TASK_ID} is stopped..."
- aws ecs wait tasks-stopped --region "${REGION}" --cluster "${CLUSTER_NAME}" --tasks "${TASK_ID}"
- echo "The previous task ${TASK_ID} has stopped."
- TASK_ARN=$(aws ecs list-tasks --region "${REGION}" --cluster "${CLUSTER_NAME}" --service-name "${SERVICE_NAME}")
- TASK_ID=$(echo ${TASK_ARN:72:36})
- echo "New task ${TASK_ID} is running."
- aws ecs describe-tasks --region "${REGION}" --cluster "${CLUSTER_NAME}" --tasks "${TASK_ID}"

If there are more than ONE task then it should be TASK_ID=$(echo ${TASK_ARN:82:32})

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Anyone here has a solution to pass a container environment used on applications?

Like injecting this Envs in the task definition.

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Dascienz commented Oct 29, 2021

Note, in Gitlab you can now use $CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA instead of "$(echo $CI_COMMIT_SHA | head -c 8)". See:,CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA,-11.7

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Anyone here has a solution to pass a container environment used on applications?

Like injecting this Envs in the task definition.

I have used sed command in my pipeline to inject env vars in task definition file.

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    - TASK_DEFINITION=$(aws ecs describe-task-definition --task-definition "$CI_AWS_ECS_TASK_DEFINITION" --region "${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION}")
    - NEW_CONTAINER_DEFINTIION=$(echo $TASK_DEFINITION | jq --arg IMAGE "$DOCKER_REGISTRY/$APP_NAME:latest" '.taskDefinition.containerDefinitions[0].image = $IMAGE | .taskDefinition.containerDefinitions[0]')
    - echo "Registering new container definition..."
    - aws ecs register-task-definition --region "${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION}" --family "${CI_AWS_ECS_TASK_DEFINITION}" --container-definitions "${NEW_CONTAINER_DEFINTIION}"
    - echo "Updating the service..."
    - aws ecs update-service --region "${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION}" --cluster "${CI_AWS_ECS_CLUSTER}" --service "${CI_AWS_ECS_SERVICE}"  --task-definition "${CI_AWS_ECS_TASK_DEFINITION}"

this is the script i'm using however the service deployment does not start the desired task count is 1 however it does not create any
Screen Shot 2021-11-16 at 4 27 04 PM

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rmpt commented Nov 17, 2021

or you can use sed to set the new image tag, in my case, the CI_PIPELINE_IID and then use jq to extract the container definition:

NEW_CONTAINER_DEFINITION=$(echo $TASK_DEFINITION | sed -e "s/ecr-image:.*/ecr-image:$CI_PIPELINE_IID\",/g")
NEW_CONTAINER_DEFINITION=$(echo $NEW_CONTAINER_DEFINITION | jq '.taskDefinition.containerDefinitions[0]')

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Actually there was nothing wrong with the script, it was failing to bind a port to the new container because I was using a static port binding.
Later I switched to using gitlab's ecs deployment script

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elfadl commented Dec 29, 2022

    - TASK_DEFINITION=$(aws ecs describe-task-definition --task-definition "$CI_AWS_ECS_TASK_DEFINITION" --region "${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION}")
    - NEW_CONTAINER_DEFINTIION=$(echo $TASK_DEFINITION | jq --arg IMAGE "$DOCKER_REGISTRY/$APP_NAME:latest" '.taskDefinition.containerDefinitions[0].image = $IMAGE | .taskDefinition.containerDefinitions[0]')
    - echo "Registering new container definition..."
    - aws ecs register-task-definition --region "${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION}" --family "${CI_AWS_ECS_TASK_DEFINITION}" --container-definitions "${NEW_CONTAINER_DEFINTIION}"
    - echo "Updating the service..."
    - aws ecs update-service --region "${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION}" --cluster "${CI_AWS_ECS_CLUSTER}" --service "${CI_AWS_ECS_SERVICE}"  --task-definition "${CI_AWS_ECS_TASK_DEFINITION}"

this is the script i'm using however the service deployment does not start the desired task count is 1 however it does not create any
Screen Shot 2021-11-16 at 4 27 04 PM

you can set minimum healthy percent to 0 and maximum percent to 100 if you want only one container running on your ecs.

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vijayrvk commented Feb 1, 2023

Screenshot 2023-02-01 at 4 12 50 PM

Getting an error while using was ecr login. Any idea? I'm passing secret key and access ID from CI/CD in variables

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Hi Guys,

I have done with my gitlab pipeline one branh (master) and now i have fail with two branh both master, develop branh.

Please help me to wrire into .gitlab-ci.yml one
stage: build
stage: deploy

all develop, master branh?

Thank for help and hope see rely soon.

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SergiyVasylenko commented Jul 6, 2023

Hi there!
Just finished with ECS FARGATE deployment step at the GitLab CI. Want to share the result.
Hopefully, this would be helpful and save time for someone ;)

- TASK_DEFINITION_CURRENT=$(aws ecs describe-services --services "${ECS_SERVICE_NAME}" --cluster "${ECS_CLUSTER_NAME}" | jq -r .services[].taskDefinition | cut -d "/" -f 2)
- TASK_DEFINITION=$(aws ecs describe-task-definition --task-definition "$TASK_DEFINTION_NAME")
- NEW_CONTAINER_DEFINTIION=$(echo $TASK_DEFINITION | jq --arg IMAGE "${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}/${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}:${DEPLOY_CONTAINER_TAG}" '.taskDefinition.containerDefinitions[0].image = $IMAGE | .taskDefinition.containerDefinitions[0]')
- EXECUTION_ROLE_ARN=$(echo $TASK_DEFINITION | jq -r '.taskDefinition.executionRoleArn')
- TASK_ROLE_ARN=$(echo $TASK_DEFINITION | jq -r '.taskDefinition.taskRoleArn')
- CONTAINER_MEMORY=$(echo $TASK_DEFINITION | jq -r '.taskDefinition.memory')
- CONTAINER_CPU=$(echo $TASK_DEFINITION | jq -r '.taskDefinition.cpu')
- REQUIRE_COMPATABILITIES=$(echo $TASK_DEFINITION | jq -r '.taskDefinition.requiresCompatibilities[]')
- NETWORK_MODE=$(echo $TASK_DEFINITION | jq -r '.taskDefinition.networkMode')
- echo "Registering new container definition..."
- aws ecs register-task-definition --family "${TASK_DEFINTION_NAME}" --container-definitions "${NEW_CONTAINER_DEFINTIION}" --execution-role-arn "${EXECUTION_ROLE_ARN}" --memory "${CONTAINER_MEMORY}" --requires-compatibilities "${REQUIRE_COMPATABILITIES}" --network-mode "${NETWORK_MODE}" --cpu "${CONTAINER_CPU}"  --task-role-arn "${TASK_ROLE_ARN}"
- echo "Updating the service..."
- aws ecs update-service --cluster "${ECS_CLUSTER_NAME}" --service "${ECS_SERVICE_NAME}"  --task-definition "${TASK_DEFINTION_NAME}"

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to avoid python you can use jq

- NEW_CONTAINER_DEFINTIION=$(echo $TASK_DEFINITION | jq --arg IMAGE "$REPOSITORY_URL:$IMAGE_TAG" '.taskDefinition.containerDefinitions[0].image = $IMAGE | .taskDefinition.containerDefinitions[0]')

Is there anyway we can pass two container images with this? I have been trying to work around this and could not find any solutions.

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Hi Team ,

ia m getting below vunrability how to fix any one pls help

Improper access control in the Intel(R) Ethernet Controller RDMA driver for linux before version 1.9.30 may allow an unauthenticated user to potentially enable escalation of privilege via network access.

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Hi Team ,

i am using for deployment below script


  • $(aws ecr get-login-password --region $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $AWS_ECR_REGISTRY | tr -d '\r')
    • TASK_DEFINITION_CURRENT=$(aws ecs describe-services --services "${SERVICE_NAME}" --cluster "${CLUSTER_NAME}" | jq -r .services[].taskDefinition | cut -d "/" -f 2)
    • TASK_DEFINTION_NAME=$(echo $TASK_DEFINITION_CURRENT | cut -d ":" -f 1 )
    • TASK_DEFINITION=$(aws ecs describe-task-definition --task-definition "$TASK_DEFINTION_NAME")
    • NEW_CONTAINER_DEFINTIION=$(echo $TASK_DEFINITION | jq --arg IMAGE "${AWS_ECR_REGISTRY}/${APP_NAME}/${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}:${SEMVER}" '.taskDefinition.containerDefinitions[0].image = $IMAGE | .taskDefinition.containerDefinitions[0]')
    • EXECUTION_ROLE_ARN=$(echo $TASK_DEFINITION | jq -r '.taskDefinition.executionRoleArn')
    • TASK_ROLE_ARN=$(echo $TASK_DEFINITION | jq -r '.taskDefinition.taskRoleArn')
    • CONTAINER_MEMORY=$(echo $TASK_DEFINITION | jq -r '.taskDefinition.memory')
    • CONTAINER_CPU=$(echo $TASK_DEFINITION | jq -r '.taskDefinition.cpu')
    • REQUIRE_COMPATABILITIES=$(echo $TASK_DEFINITION | jq -r '.taskDefinition.requiresCompatibilities[]')
    • NETWORK_MODE=$(echo $TASK_DEFINITION | jq -r '.taskDefinition.networkMode')
    • echo "Registering new container definition..."
    • aws ecs register-task-definition --family "${TASK_DEFINTION_NAME}" --container-definitions "${NEW_CONTAINER_DEFINTIION}" --execution-role-arn "${EXECUTION_ROLE_ARN}" --memory "${CONTAINER_MEMORY}" --requires-compatibilities "${REQUIRE_COMPATABILITIES}" --network-mode "${NETWORK_MODE}" --cpu "${CONTAINER_CPU}" --task-role-arn "${TASK_ROLE_ARN}"
    • echo "Updating the service..."
    • aws ecs update-service --cluster "${CLUSTER_NAME}" --service "${SERVICE_NAME}" --task-definition "${TASK_DEFINTION_NAME}"

but i am getting below error

“message”: “(service crm-api-secured) failed to launch a task with (error ECS was unable to assume the role ‘arn:aws:iam::XXXXXXXXX:role/null’ that was provided for this task. Please verify that the role being passed has the proper trust relationship and permissions and that your IAM user has permissions to pass this role.).”
any one pls help for the same.

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