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Last active September 12, 2022 23:56
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Reading Isomap data into R
### Swiss Roll
# Install the R.matlab package:
# install.packages("R.matlab")
# downloads and reads Swiss Roll data
# returns a list:
# a 3 x 20000 matrix of the column-stored X, Y, Z data
# a 2 x 20000 matrix of what I assume is the unrolled data coordinates
read_isoswiss <- function(url = "") {
if (!requireNamespace("R.matlab", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("Library 'R.matlab' needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
call. = FALSE)
f <- gzcon(base::url(url, "rb"))
res <- R.matlab::readMat(f)
# install the snedata package and make use of a private function
# remotes::install_github("jlmelville/snedata")
# Returns data frame:
# each row is an observation, with x, y, z coordinate and color string value (helpful for visualization)
read_isoswiss_df <- function(url = "") {
if (!requireNamespace("snedata", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("Github library 'snedata' needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
call. = FALSE)
swiss_list <- read_isoswiss()
swiss_roll <- data.frame(t(swiss_list$
swiss_roll <- cbind(swiss_roll, snedata:::linear_color_map(swiss_list$[1, ]))
colnames(swiss_roll) <- c("x", "y", "z", "color")
# plot the cross-section
plot(isoswiss_roll$x, isoswiss_roll$y, col = isoswiss_roll$color, cex = 0.1)
### Faces
# Two extra problems here:
# 1. Dataset no longer exists on the Stanford website
# 2. Data was Z compressed, which is a pain to uncompress via R (you need to use an external program).
# Procedure:
# 1. Download the dataset via the wayback machine:
# 2. uncompress manually (e.g. using 7-zip)
# 3. Run the code below
facesl <- readMat(con = "wherever-you-downloaded-and-decompressed/face_data.mat")
isofaces <- t(facesl$images)
colnames(isofaces) <- paste0('px', 1:4096)
isofaces <- data.frame(isofaces)
# pose1 and pose2 relate to the angle of the head, either could be used to color the manifold the faces lie on
isofaces <- cbind(isofaces, pose1 = facesl$poses[1, ], pose2 = facesl$poses[2, ])
# displays face in row i of the dataframe
view_isoface <- function(df, i) {
graphics::image(matrix(as.numeric(df[i, 1:4096]), nrow = 64, ncol = 64, byrow = TRUE)[, 64:1],
col = grDevices::gray(1:255 / 255))
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