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Created March 14, 2020 18:00
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Graph Laplacians (in Python)
import collections
import pprint
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import scipy.linalg
AffDeg = collections.namedtuple("AffDeg", ["W", "D"])
Lap = collections.namedtuple("Lap", ["L", "Lsym", "Lrw", "P"])
Eig = collections.namedtuple("Eig", ["vectors", "values", "lengths"])
def colsums(X):
return np.sum(X, axis=0)
def degmat(X):
return np.diag(colsums(X))
def randw(n=3):
X = np.random.randn(n, n)
X = X * X
X = X.transpose() + X
np.fill_diagonal(X, 0)
return AffDeg(X, degmat(X))
def lapm(aff_deg):
W = aff_deg.W
D = aff_deg.D
L = D - W
Dinv = np.diag(1 / np.diag(D))
Dinvs = np.sqrt(Dinv)
Lsym = np.matmul(Dinvs, np.matmul(L, Dinvs))
P = np.matmul(Dinv, W)
Lrw = -P
np.fill_diagonal(Lrw, 1 - np.diag(Lrw))
return Lap(L, Lsym, Lrw, P)
def eig(X, norm=False, val1=False):
res = np.linalg.eig(X)
return sorteig(res[1], res[0], norm=norm, val1=val1)
def geig(A, B, norm=False, val1=False):
res = sp.linalg.eigh(A, B, eigvals_only=False)
return sorteig(res[1], res[0], norm=norm, val1=val1)
def sorteig(vectors, values, norm=False, val1=False):
if val1:
values = 1 - values
if (
(isinstance(norm, bool) and norm)
or isinstance(norm, float)
or (isinstance(norm, str) and norm == "n")
if isinstance(norm, bool):
m = 1
elif isinstance(norm, float):
m = norm
else: # norm = "n" make smallest eigenvector all 1s
m = np.sqrt(vectors.shape[0])
sqrtcsums = np.sqrt(colsums(vectors * vectors))
vectors = m * vectors / sqrtcsums
vectors = vectors.transpose()[np.argsort(values)].transpose()
values = np.sort(values)
return Eig(vectors, values, np.sqrt(colsums(vectors * vectors)))
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jlmelville commented Mar 14, 2020

Python code to accompany The R equivalent is at

    WD = randw(5)
    lap = lapm(WD)

    # Laplacian Eigenmaps: these two should give the same results
    # use norm = "n", because otherwise the eigenvectors can have different lengths
    print(geig(lap.L, WD.D, norm="n"))
    print(eig(lap.Lrw, norm="n"))

    # Using P also gives the same results, if the eigenvalues are transformed by 1 - lambda
    print(eig(lap.P, norm="n", val1=True))

    # eigenvectors are stored by row, i.e. eig(lap.Lrw, norm="n").vectors[:, 0] should be all 1s

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