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Last active July 14, 2018 04:31
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  • Save jlogix/66ded0d9f2d67674ffbfc12456fa8cb3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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var bgcolors = ["#f7a7a7", "#d0f7a7", "#f7d6a7", "#a7e2f7", "#e7bafb", "#fbbadc", "#def5d1", "#f7f1a7", "#b5fdd6", "#fb9387"]; //put some nice background colors here for our boxes
var crow = 0; // current row. not the bird :)
var boxes = []; // the array that contains all box definitions
lines.filter(e=>e) // filter out zero length lines
.forEach(function(e) {
o =,i,a) => a.filter((y,j) => j<i).reduce((s,z) => s+Math.abs(z),1)); //get start columns of boxes
e.forEach(function(x,i) {
var f = boxes.filter(b => b.col===o[i] && b.opn); // are there open boxes at this column offset?
if (x>0) { // +ve number means...
if (f.length) { => b.hgt++); // ...add one more row to open boxes at this column offset
} else { // no open boxes exist at this column offset. start a new box
n = {row: crow, col:o[i], wid:x, hgt: 1, clr: bgcolors[boxes.length%bgcolors.length], opn: true}
} else { => ++b.hgt && --b.opn); // -ve number means: close open boxes at this column offset
crow++; // increment current row
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