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Long Covid recovery

Jessica Lord jlord

Long Covid recovery
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jlord /
Last active June 21, 2016 18:53 — forked from bkeepers/
Tell me your story about how open source has impacted your career.

I’m working on a talk about the relationship between community participation and careers, and want to hear from people who feel like open source has impacted their career. Tell me your story!

Below are some questions related to get you started. Feel free to either fork this gist, blog your answers and send me the link, or email them directly to me at [email protected]. I will ask your permission before sharing anything about your story publicly.

  • How do you feel your participation in open source has impacted your career, both good and bad?

  • Open source has had a greatly positive impact on my career. I believe my career opportunities have come from my contributions to open source with my interests and skills being public.

  • How did you first get exposed to open source? Why did you decide to learn more about it?

  • I believed in the importance of sharing knowledge but it wasn't until I started as a Code for America fellow that I realized it had a name, open source, and an active community. In my first

jlord / index.js
Created March 18, 2015 20:13 — forked from max-mapper/index.js
requirebin sketch
var d3 = require('d3')
var textures = require('textures').textures
var types = ["squares", "nylon", "waves", "woven", "caps", "crosses", "hexagons"]
var colors = ["peachpuff", "deepskyblue", "tomato", "aquamarine", "hotpink"]
setInterval(render, 500)
function render() {
var type = types.pop()
jlord /
Last active February 9, 2016 06:20 — forked from max-mapper/
imagemagick script: image background is a larger, blurred copy of itself.
for f in *.jpg; do
convert ./"$f" -gravity center -resize 1137 -extent 1137x640 -blur 0x4 ./finalcat/"new-$f"
convert ./finalcat/"new-$f" -page +248 ./"$f" -flatten ./finalcat/"new-$f"
jlord / index.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:08 — forked from max-mapper/index.js
requirebin sketch
var langs = {
"ATS": {
"type": "programming",
"color": "#1ac620",
"lexer": "OCaml",
"aliases": [
"extensions": [