👀📎 It looks like you're preparing to MC a conference...
🚨 GIANT DISCLAIMER: This stuff is far from authoritative. But it's what I think works for me, and what I enjoy in an MC when I'm attending a conference.
#include <nan.h> | |
using namespace v8; | |
typedef struct { | |
int result; | |
int prev; | |
} fibo_t; | |
# to test run eval "$(curl https://gist.githubusercontent.com/mafintosh/8b420dd5273a137cd6fe/raw/7cd9c707f71b171ef4b9f986c67132978e59da5e/emoji-ps1.sh -sL)" | |
PS1_EMOJIS=("😀" "😬" "😁" "😂" "😃" "😄" "😅" "😆" "😇" "😉" "😊" "🙂" "🙃" "☺️" "😋" "😌" "😍" "😘" "😗" "😙" "😚" "😜" "😝" "😛" "🤑" "🤓" "😎" "🤗" "😏" "😶" "😑" "🙄" "🤔" "😳" "😞" "😟" "😠" "😔" "😕" "🙁" "😣" "😖" "😩" "😤" "😮" "😱" "😨" "😰" "😯" "😦" "😧" "😢" "😥" "😪" "😓" "😭" "😲" "🤐" "😷" "😴" "💩" "😺" "😸" "😹" "😻" "😼" "😽" "🙀" "😿" "😾" "👏" "👋" "👂" "👁" "💋" "🕶" "🐶" "🐱" "🐭" "🐹" "🐰" "🐻" "🐼" "🐨" "🐯" "🦁" "🐮" "🐷" "🐽" "🐸" "🐙" "🐵" "🙈" "🙉" "🙊" "🐒" "🐔" "🐧" "🐦" "🐤" "🐣" "🐥" "🐺" "🐗" "🐴" "🦄" "🐝" "🐛" "🐌" "🐞" "🐜" "🕷" "🦂" "🦀" "🐍" "🐢" "🐠" "🐟" "🐡" "🐬" "🐳" "🐋" "🐊" "🐆" "🐅" "🐃" "🐂" "🐄" "🐪" "🐫" "🐘" "🐐" "🐏" "🐑" "🐎" "🐖" "🐀" "🐁" "🐓" "🦃" "🕊" "🐕" "🐩" "🐈" "🐇" "🐿" "🐾" "🐉" "🐲" "🕸" "🍤" "🏇") | |
_p1_emoji () { | |
printf "${PS1_EMOJIS[$RANDOM % 152]} ${PS1_EMOJIS[$RANDOM % 152]} ${PS1_EMOJIS[$RANDOM % 152]} " | |
} | |
export PS1="$PS1\$(_p1_emoji)" |
for f in *.jpg; do | |
convert ./"$f" -gravity center -resize 1137 -extent 1137x640 -blur 0x4 ./finalcat/"new-$f" | |
convert ./finalcat/"new-$f" -page +248 ./"$f" -flatten ./finalcat/"new-$f" | |
done |
These are all the JSConf 2014 slides, codes, and notes I was able to cull together from twitter. Thanks to the speakers who posted them and thanks to @chantastic for posting his wonderful notes.
bulk offline issue cloner:
first, in a new folder create a folder for each user you want, and a sub folder inside each users folder for each of their repos that you want to clone the issues from
mkdir issues
cd issues
mkdir -p maxogden/dat
function Animal(name) { | |
if (!(this instanceof Animal)) return new Animal(name); | |
this.name = name || 'unknown'; | |
} | |
module.exports = Animal; | |
Animal.prototype.feed = function(food) { | |
food = food || 'food'; | |
return 'Fed ' + this.name + ' some ' + food; | |
}; |
license: gpl-3.0 |
import urllib2,os; pf='Package Control.sublime-package'; ipp = sublime.installed_packages_path(); os.makedirs( ipp ) if not os.path.exists(ipp) else None; urllib2.install_opener( urllib2.build_opener( urllib2.ProxyHandler( ))); open( os.path.join( ipp, pf), 'wb' ).write( urllib2.urlopen( 'http://sublime.wbond.net/' +pf.replace( ' ','%20' )).read()); print( 'Please restart Sublime Text to finish installation')
From here on out, use Package Control to install everything. ⌘
, then type Install
to get a list of installable packages you can 'livesearch through. After installing plugins, they should be running.
tacos are a category of food that are relatively small in size and are served on a open platform of thin carbohydrate filled material. things that make you want to sleep after eating or are sealed off when served are not tacos (see instead: burritos, pizza)