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Created April 27, 2012 20:29
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Anneal y = (X + 4)(X + 1)(X -2) / 4 -- in parallel.
-export([anneal/1, anneal/2]).
-define(KMAX, 2500).
-define(EMAX, 0.00001).
-define(INITIAL_TEMP, 100000).
anneal(S0) ->
anneal(S0, 4).
anneal(S0, K) ->
Originator = self(),
Ref = make_ref(),
spawn_link(fun() ->
Res = controller(S0, K),
Originator ! {Ref, Res}
{Ref, R} ->
{ok, R}
controller(S0, K) ->
Ctl = self(),
Pids = [spawn_link(fun() ->
anneal_worker(Ctl, S0)
end) || _ <- lists:seq(1,K)],
controller_loop(Pids, S0, e(S0)).
controller_loop([], IS, IE) ->
{IS, IE};
controller_loop(Pids, IS, IE) when is_list(Pids) ->
{new_incumbent, SB, EB} when IE > EB ->
controller_loop(Pids, SB, EB);
{new_incumbent, _SB, _EB} ->
controller_loop(Pids, IS, IE);
{done, Pid} ->
controller_loop(Pids -- [Pid], IS, IE)
anneal_worker(Ctl, S0) ->
S = S0,
E = e(S),
anneal(Ctl, S, E, S, E, 0).
anneal(Ctl, S, E, SB, EB, K) when K < ?KMAX, E > ?EMAX ->
T = temperature(K / ?KMAX),
SN = neighbour(S),
EN = e(SN),
{NextS, NextE} = case p(E, EN, T) > sfmt:uniform() of
true ->
{SN, EN};
false ->
{S, E}
{NextSB, NextEB} = case EN < EB of
true ->
Ctl ! {new_incumbent, SN, EN},
{SN, EN};
false -> {SB, EB}
anneal(Ctl, NextS, NextE, NextSB, NextEB, K+1);
anneal(Ctl, _, _, _, _, _) -> Ctl ! {done, self()}.
temperature(X) ->
(1 - X). %% This is very naive at the moment.
f(X) ->
(X + 4) * (X + 1) * (X - 2) / 4.0.
walk(S) ->
case sfmt:uniform() of
K when K > 0.5 ->
S+(sfmt:uniform() * 2);
_ ->
S-(sfmt:uniform() * 2)
clamp(Lo, _Hi, X) when X < Lo -> Lo;
clamp(_Lo, Hi, X) when X > Hi -> Hi;
clamp(_, _, X) -> X.
neighbour(S) ->
N = walk(S),
clamp(-6, 6, N).
%% qlglicko:new_candidate(S).
p(E, NewE, _T) when NewE < E -> 1.0;
p(E, NewE, T ) -> math:exp((E - NewE) / T).
e(S) ->
100 - f(S).
%% PR = qlglicko:predict(S),
%% 1.0 - PR.
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