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Created January 26, 2023 11:17
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Computing a stencil on a t8code mesh.
T8_DIR = $(HOME)/install/t8code/main
T8_INC = -I$(T8_DIR)/include
T8_LIB = -L$(T8_DIR)/lib -Wl,-rpath=$(T8_DIR)/lib
LIBS = -lz -lsc -lp4est -lt8
CXX = mpicxx
all: stencil
stencil: stencil.cxx
$(CXX) -o $@ $< $(T8_INC) $(T8_LIB) $(LIBS)
#include <cmath>
#include <t8.h> /* General t8code header, always include this. */
#include <t8_vec.h> /* Basic operations on 3D vectors. */
#include <t8_cmesh.h> /* cmesh definition and basic interface. */
#include <t8_forest.h> /* forest definition and basic interface. */
#include <t8_cmesh/t8_cmesh_examples.h> /* A collection of exemplary cmeshes */
#include <t8_schemes/t8_default/t8_default_cxx.hxx> /* default refinement scheme. */
/* The data that we want to store for each element.
* In this example we want to store the element's level and volume. */
struct data_per_element
int level;
double midpoint[3];
double dx, dy;
double volume;
double height;
double schlieren;
double curvature;
static struct data_per_element *
create_element_data (t8_forest_t forest)
t8_locidx_t num_local_elements;
t8_locidx_t num_ghost_elements;
struct data_per_element *element_data;
t8_locidx_t itree, num_local_trees;
t8_locidx_t current_index;
t8_locidx_t ielement, num_elements_in_tree;
t8_eclass_t tree_class;
t8_eclass_scheme_c *eclass_scheme;
const t8_element_t *element;
/* Check that forest is a committed, that is valid and usable, forest. */
T8_ASSERT (t8_forest_is_committed (forest));
/* Get the number of local elements of forest. */
num_local_elements = t8_forest_get_local_num_elements (forest);
/* Get the number of ghost elements of forest. */
num_ghost_elements = t8_forest_get_num_ghosts (forest);
element_data = T8_ALLOC (struct data_per_element, num_local_elements + num_ghost_elements);
/* Get the number of trees that have elements of this process. */
num_local_trees = t8_forest_get_num_local_trees (forest);
for (itree = 0, current_index = 0; itree < num_local_trees; ++itree) {
tree_class = t8_forest_get_tree_class (forest, itree);
eclass_scheme = t8_forest_get_eclass_scheme (forest, tree_class);
num_elements_in_tree = t8_forest_get_tree_num_elements (forest, itree);
for (ielement = 0; ielement < num_elements_in_tree; ++ielement, ++current_index) {
element = t8_forest_get_element_in_tree (forest, itree, ielement);
struct data_per_element *edat = &element_data[current_index];
edat->level = eclass_scheme->t8_element_level (element);
edat->volume = t8_forest_element_volume (forest, itree, element);
t8_forest_element_centroid (forest, itree, element, edat->midpoint);
edat->dx = sqrt(edat->volume);
edat->dy = edat->dx;
const double x = edat->midpoint[0] - 0.5;
const double y = edat->midpoint[1] - 0.5;
const double s = 0.25;
const double r = sqrt(x*x + y*y)*20.0;
// Some 'interesting' height function.
edat->height = sin(2.0*r)/r;
return element_data;
static void
compute_stencil (t8_forest_t forest, struct data_per_element *element_data)
t8_locidx_t num_local_elements;
t8_locidx_t num_ghost_elements;
t8_locidx_t itree, num_local_trees;
t8_locidx_t current_index;
t8_locidx_t ielement, num_elements_in_tree;
t8_eclass_t tree_class;
t8_element_t *element, **neighbors;
int iface, ineigh;
t8_eclass_scheme_c *eclass_scheme;
t8_eclass_scheme_c *neigh_scheme;
int num_faces; /**< The number of faces */
int num_neighbors; /**< Number of neighbors for each face */
int *dual_faces; /**< The face indices of the neighbor elements */
t8_locidx_t *neighids; /**< Indices of the neighbor elements */
int8_t neigh_level; /**< The level of the face neighbors at this face. */
/* Check that forest is a committed, that is valid and usable, forest. */
T8_ASSERT (t8_forest_is_committed (forest));
/* Get the number of local elements of forest. */
num_local_elements = t8_forest_get_local_num_elements (forest);
/* Get the number of ghost elements of forest. */
num_ghost_elements = t8_forest_get_num_ghosts (forest);
/* Get the number of trees that have elements of this process. */
num_local_trees = t8_forest_get_num_local_trees (forest);
double stencil[3][3] = {0};
for (itree = 0, current_index = 0; itree < num_local_trees; ++itree) {
tree_class = t8_forest_get_tree_class (forest, itree);
eclass_scheme = t8_forest_get_eclass_scheme (forest, tree_class);
num_elements_in_tree = t8_forest_get_tree_num_elements (forest, itree);
for (ielement = 0; ielement < num_elements_in_tree; ++ielement, ++current_index) {
element = t8_forest_get_element_in_tree (forest, itree, ielement);
stencil[1][1] = element_data[current_index].height;
num_faces = eclass_scheme->t8_element_num_faces (element);
for (iface = 0; iface < num_faces; iface++) {
t8_forest_leaf_face_neighbors (forest, itree, element,
&neighbors, iface,
&neigh_scheme, 1);
double height = element_data[neighids[0]].height;
switch (iface) {
case 0: stencil[0][1] = height; break; // NORTH
case 1: stencil[2][1] = height; break; // SOUTH
case 2: stencil[1][0] = height; break; // WEST
case 3: stencil[1][2] = height; break; // EAST
const double dx = element_data[current_index].dx;
const double dy = element_data[current_index].dy;
const double xslope = 0.5/dx*(stencil[2][1] - stencil[0][1]);
const double yslope = 0.5/dy*(stencil[1][2] - stencil[1][0]);
const double xcurve = 1.0/(dx*dx)*(stencil[2][1] - 2.0*stencil[1][1] + stencil[0][1]);
const double ycurve = 1.0/(dy*dy)*(stencil[1][2] - 2.0*stencil[1][1] + stencil[1][0]);
element_data[current_index].schlieren = sqrt(xslope*xslope + yslope*yslope);
element_data[current_index].curvature = sqrt(xcurve*xcurve + ycurve*ycurve);
/* Each process has computed the data entries for its local elements.
* In order to get the values for the ghost elements, we use t8_forest_ghost_exchange_data.
* Calling this function will fill all the ghost entries of our element data array with the
* value on the process that owns the corresponding element. */
static void
exchange_ghost_data (t8_forest_t forest, struct data_per_element *data)
sc_array *sc_array_wrapper;
t8_locidx_t num_elements = t8_forest_get_local_num_elements (forest);
t8_locidx_t num_ghosts = t8_forest_get_num_ghosts (forest);
/* t8_forest_ghost_exchange_data expects an sc_array (of length num_local_elements + num_ghosts).
* We wrap our data array to an sc_array. */
sc_array_wrapper = sc_array_new_data (data, sizeof (struct data_per_element), num_elements + num_ghosts);
/* Carry out the data exchange. The entries with indices > num_local_elements will get overwritten. */
t8_forest_ghost_exchange_data (forest, sc_array_wrapper);
/* Destroy the wrapper array. This will not free the data memory since we used sc_array_new_data. */
sc_array_destroy (sc_array_wrapper);
/* Write the forest as vtu and also write the element's volumes in the file.
* t8code supports writing element based data to vtu as long as its stored
* as doubles. Each of the data fields to write has to be provided in its own
* array of length num_local_elements.
* We support two types: T8_VTK_SCALAR - One double per element
* and T8_VTK_VECTOR - 3 doubles per element
static void
output_data_to_vtu (t8_forest_t forest,
struct data_per_element *data,
const char *prefix)
t8_locidx_t num_elements = t8_forest_get_local_num_elements (forest);
// We need to allocate a new array to store the data on their own.
// These arrays have one entry per local element.
double *heights = T8_ALLOC (double, num_elements);
double *schlieren = T8_ALLOC (double, num_elements);
double *curvature = T8_ALLOC (double, num_elements);
// The number of user defined data fields to write.
const int num_data = 3;
// For each user defined data field we need one t8_vtk_data_field_t variable.
t8_vtk_data_field_t vtk_data[num_data];
// Set the type of this variable. Since we have one value per element, we pick T8_VTK_SCALAR.
vtk_data[0].type = T8_VTK_SCALAR;
// The name of the field as should be written to the file.
strcpy (vtk_data[0].description, "height");
vtk_data[0].data = heights;
// Copy the elment's volumes from our data array to the output array.
for (t8_locidx_t ielem = 0; ielem < num_elements; ++ielem) {
heights[ielem] = data[ielem].height;
vtk_data[1].type = T8_VTK_SCALAR;
strcpy (vtk_data[1].description, "schlieren");
vtk_data[1].data = schlieren;
for (t8_locidx_t ielem = 0; ielem < num_elements; ++ielem) {
schlieren[ielem] = data[ielem].schlieren;
vtk_data[2].type = T8_VTK_SCALAR;
strcpy (vtk_data[2].description, "curvature");
vtk_data[2].data = curvature;
for (t8_locidx_t ielem = 0; ielem < num_elements; ++ielem) {
curvature[ielem] = data[ielem].curvature;
// To write user defined data.
const int write_treeid = 1;
const int write_mpirank = 1;
const int write_level = 1;
const int write_element_id = 1;
const int write_ghosts = 0;
t8_forest_write_vtk_ext (forest, prefix, write_treeid, write_mpirank,
write_level, write_element_id, write_ghosts,
0, 0, num_data, vtk_data);
T8_FREE (heights);
T8_FREE (schlieren);
T8_FREE (curvature);
main (int argc, char **argv)
int mpiret;
sc_MPI_Comm comm;
t8_forest_t forest;
/* The prefix for our output files. */
const char *prefix_forest_with_data = "example";
/* The uniform refinement level of the forest. */
const int dim = 2;
const int level = 8;
/* The array that will hold our per element data. */
data_per_element *data;
* Initialization.
// Initialize MPI. This has to happen before we initialize sc or t8code.
mpiret = sc_MPI_Init (&argc, &argv);
// Error check the MPI return value.
SC_CHECK_MPI (mpiret);
// Initialize the sc library, has to happen before we initialize t8code.
// Initialize t8code with log level SC_LP_PRODUCTION. See sc.h for more info on the log levels.
// We will use MPI_COMM_WORLD as a communicator.
comm = sc_MPI_COMM_WORLD;
// Initialize a uniform forest with periodic boundaries.
t8_cmesh_t cmesh = t8_cmesh_new_periodic (comm, dim);
t8_scheme_cxx_t *scheme = t8_scheme_new_default_cxx ();
const int do_face_ghost = 1;
forest = t8_forest_new_uniform (cmesh, scheme, level, do_face_ghost, comm);
* Data handling and computation.
// Build data array and gather data for the local elements.
data = create_element_data (forest);
// Exchange the neighboring data at MPI process boundaries.
exchange_ghost_data (forest, data);
// Compute stencil.
compute_stencil (forest, data);
// Output the data to vtu files.
output_data_to_vtu (forest, data, prefix_forest_with_data);
t8_global_productionf (" Wrote forest and data to %s*.\n", prefix_forest_with_data);
* Clean-up
/* Free the data array. */
T8_FREE (data);
/* Destroy the forest. */
t8_forest_unref (&forest);
t8_global_productionf (" Destroyed forest.\n");
sc_finalize ();
mpiret = sc_MPI_Finalize ();
SC_CHECK_MPI (mpiret);
return 0;
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