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Last active March 5, 2025 17:32
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custom wrappers for installing R
pak_install_pkgs <- function(
new_lib = old_lib,
old_lib = .libPaths()[1L],
upgrade = FALSE,
update = TRUE,
dependencies = NA,
force = FALSE,
use_temp = FALSE,
pak_lib = NULL
) {
if (!nzchar(Sys.getenv("GITHUB_PAT"))) {
warning("GITHUB_PAT not set")
if (force) {
if (any(grepl("?", pkg, fixed = TRUE))) {
warning("\"?\" found in `pkg` and `force = TRUE`")
pkg <- paste0(pkg, "?reinstall&nocache")
old_lib <- normalizePath(old_lib, "/", TRUE)
new_lib <- normalizePath(new_lib, "/", FALSE)
dir.create(new_lib, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
lockfile <- tempfile(pattern = "pak_pkg_", fileext = ".lock")
on.exit(if (file.exists(lockfile)) file.remove(lockfile), add = TRUE)
temp_lib <- tempfile("pak_library_")
on.exit(unlink(temp_lib, recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE)
if (is.null(pak_lib)) {
# {pak} uses some 'remote()' function which tries to find functions inside
# of {pak} but doesn't appear to have controls for
pak_lib <- find.package("pak", lib.loc = pak_lib)
system2("ln", shQuote(c("-s", pak_lib, new_lib)))
pak_lib <- dirname(pak_lib)
# just needed for R CMD check
requireNamespace("pak", lib.loc = pak_lib)
pak <- loadNamespace("pak", lib.loc = pak_lib)
pkg = pkg,
lockfile = lockfile,
lib = old_lib, # Package library to install the packages to
upgrade = upgrade,
dependencies = dependencies
lockfile = lockfile,
# Library to carry out the installation on
lib = if (use_temp) temp_lib else new_lib,
update = update
if (use_temp) {
unlink(file.path(temp_lib, "_cache"), recursive = TRUE)
pkgs <- list.files(temp_lib, full.names = TRUE)
pkgs <- pkgs[dir.exists(pkgs)]
n <- length(pkgs)
if (n) {
"Moving ",
" package(s) to ",
paste0("\n", pkgs)
file.copy(pkgs, new_lib, recursive = TRUE)
"Be sure to load in packages with:\n ",
sprintf("library({package}, lic.loc = \"%s\")", new_lib)
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