;;; Translation of example_02 in |
;;; https://github.com/multi-agent-ai/examples |
;;; to non-idiomatic Common Lisp code. |
(defconstant +world-width+ 2560d0) |
(defconstant +world-height+ 1440d0) |
(defclass agent () |
((vmax :initform 0.0d0 :type double-float) |
(x :initarg :x :type double-float) |
(y :initarg :y :type double-float) |
(dx :initform 0.0d0 :type double-float) |
(dy :initform 0.0d0 :type double-float) |
(alive :initform t :type boolean :reader alive-p) |
(target :initform nil) |
(age :initform 0 :type fixnum) |
(energy :initform 0 :type fixnum))) |
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((agent agent) &rest initargs) |
(declare (ignore initargs)) |
(setf (slot-value agent 'x) (random +world-width+) |
(slot-value agent 'y) (random +world-height+))) |
(defun update (agent food) |
(with-slots (vmax x y dx dy target age energy) agent |
(declare (type double-float vmax x y dx dy) |
(type fixnum age energy)) |
(incf age) |
;; We can't move |
(when (zerop vmax) |
(return-from update nil)) |
;; Target is dead, don't chase it further |
(when (and target (not (alive-p target))) |
(setf target nil)) |
;; Eat the target if close enough |
(when target |
(with-slots ((target-x x) (target-y y)) target |
(declare (type double-float target-x target-y)) |
(let ((squared-dist (+ (expt (- x target-x) 2) (expt (- y target-y) 2)))) |
(when (< squared-dist 400) |
(setf (slot-value target 'alive) nil |
energy (1+ energy)))))) |
;; Agent doesn't have a target, find a new one |
(when (null target) |
(loop :with min-dist :of-type double-float := 9999999d0 |
:with min-agent := nil |
:for a :in food |
:when (alive-p a) :do |
(with-slots ((a-x x) (a-y y)) a |
(declare (type double-float a-x a-y)) |
(let ((squared-dist (+ (expt (- x a-x) 2) (expt (- y a-y) 2)))) |
(when (< squared-dist min-dist) |
(setf min-dist squared-dist |
min-agent a)))) |
:finally (when (< min-dist 100000d0) |
(setf target min-agent)))) |
;; Initialize forces to zero |
(let ((fx 0d0) |
(fy 0d0)) |
(declare (dynamic-extent fx fy)) |
;; Move in the direction of the target, if any |
(when target |
(with-slots ((target-x x) (target-y y)) target |
(declare (type double-float target-x target-y)) |
(incf fx (* 1d-1 (- target-x x))) |
(incf fy (* 1d-1 (- target-y y))))) |
;; Update our direction based on the 'force' |
(incf dx (* 5d-2 fx)) |
(incf dy (* 5d-2 fy)) |
;; Slow down agent if it moves faster than its max velocity |
(let ((velocity (sqrt (+ (expt dx 2) (expt dy 2))))) |
(unless (< velocity vmax) |
(setf dx (* (/ dx velocity) vmax) |
dy (* (/ dy velocity) vmax)))) |
(incf x dx) |
(incf y dy) |
(setf x (min (max x 0d0) +world-width+) |
y (min (max y 0d0) +world-height+))))) |
(defclass predator (agent) ()) |
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((predator predator) &rest initargs) |
(declare (ignore initargs)) |
(setf (slot-value predator 'vmax) 2.5d0)) |
(defclass prey (agent) ()) |
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((prey prey) &rest initargs) |
(declare (ignore initargs)) |
(setf (slot-value prey 'vmax) 2d0)) |
(defclass plant (agent) ()) |
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((plant plant) &rest initargs) |
(declare (ignore initargs)) |
(setf (slot-value plant 'vmax) 0d0)) |
(defun main () |
(setf *random-state* (make-random-state t)) |
(with-open-file (stream "output.csv" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) |
(format stream "0, Title, Predator Prey Relationship / Example 02 / Lisp~%") |
(loop :with predators := (loop :repeat 10 :collect (make-instance 'predator)) |
:and preys := (loop :repeat 10 :collect (make-instance 'prey)) |
:and plants := (loop :repeat 100 :collect (make-instance 'plant)) |
:for timestep :below 10000 :do |
;; Update all agents |
(loop :for p :in predators :do (update p preys)) |
(loop :for p :in preys :do (update p plants)) |
;; Handle eaten and create new plants |
(setf plants (remove-if-not #'alive-p plants)) |
(loop :repeat 2 :do (push (make-instance 'plant) plants)) |
;; Handle eaten and create new preys |
(setf preys (remove-if-not #'alive-p preys)) |
(loop :for p :in preys |
:when (< 5 (slot-value p 'energy)) :do |
(with-slots (energy x y) p |
(declare (type double-float x y)) |
(setf energy 0) |
(push (make-instance 'prey |
:x (+ x (- (random 4d1) 2d1)) |
:y (+ y (- (random 4d1) 2d1))) |
preys))) |
;; Handle old and create new predators |
(setf predators (remove-if (lambda (a) (< 2000 (slot-value a 'age))) predators)) |
(loop :for p :in predators |
:when (< 10 (slot-value p 'energy)) :do |
(with-slots (energy x y) p |
(declare (type double-float x y)) |
(setf energy 0) |
(push (make-instance 'predator |
:x (+ x (- (random 4d1) 2d1)) |
:y (+ y (- (random 4d1) 2d1))) |
predators))) |
:finally (format t "~D ~D ~D~%" |
(length predators) (length preys) (length plants))))) |