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Created January 26, 2022 03:45
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Plot contact map between aminoacids (alpha carbons) of a protein using AWK and gnuplot
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
num_atoms = 0;
if (ARGC < 3) {
print "Usage: plot-contact-map.awk PDBFILE THRESHOLD" > "/dev/stderr";
error_exit = 1;
exit 1;
threshold = ARGV[2];
delete ARGV[2];
$1 == "ATOM" && $3 == "CA" {
atoms[num_atoms,type] = $3;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
atoms[num_atoms,i] = $(7+i);
function distance(i, j)
s = 0.0;
for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
s += (atoms[i, k] - atoms[j, k])^2;
return sqrt(s);
if (error_exit)
exit 1;
if (num_atoms == 0) {
print "No coordinates were found in:", FILENAME > "/dev/stderr";
exit 1;
gnuplot = "gnuplot -p";
print "set palette gray" | gnuplot;
print "unset colorbox" | gnuplot;
print "set tics out nooffset" | gnuplot;
print "set xtics 0, 5,", num_atoms | gnuplot;
print "set ytics 0, 5,", num_atoms | gnuplot;
print "plot '-' matrix notitle with image" | gnuplot;
for (i = 0; i < num_atoms; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < num_atoms; j++) {
printf "%s ", (distance(i, j) < threshold) ? "0" : "1" | gnuplot;
print "" | gnuplot;
print "e\n" | gnuplot;
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