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Jake McArthur jmcarthur

  • Jersey City, NJ, USA
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Here is a section of a message I sent to Francois-Regis Sinot regarding his paper
Complete Laziness: A Natural Semantics
I have simplified the problem down to this expression:
(\z. (\x. \y. x) (\w. z)) I I I
Where I is the identity function. Preprocessing, this translates to (with some manual simplifications):
ncInq :: NCID -> IO (Int, Int, Int, Int)
ncInq ncid =
alloca $ \ndims_ptr ->
alloca $ \nvars_ptr ->
alloca $ \natts_ptr ->
alloca $ \unlimdimid_ptr -> do
status <- nc_inq ncid ndims_ptr nvars_ptr natts_ptr unlimdimid_ptr
ndims <- peek ndims_ptr
nvars <- peek nvars_ptr
natts <- peek natts_ptr
ncInq :: NCID -> IO (Int, Int, Int, Int)
ncInq ncid = do
alloca $ \ndims_ptr -> do
alloca $ \nvars_ptr -> do
alloca $ \natts_ptr -> do
alloca $ \unlimdimid_ptr -> do
status <- nc_inq ncid ndims_ptr nvars_ptr natts_ptr unlimdimid_ptr
ndims <- peek ndims_ptr
nvars <- peek nvars_ptr
natts <- peek natts_ptr
data NumTree a b = NumNode (a, b) (Maybe [NumTree a b])
| NumNil
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Tree a = Node a (Maybe [Tree a])
| Nil
deriving (Eq, Show)
numberTree :: Tree a -> State Int (NumTree Int a)
numberTree Nil = return NumNil
Please try to write in here
Hey look it's a new line!
import System.IO
import System.Posix
import Network
import Network.Socket hiding (accept)
import Data.List
import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require "net/http"
require "uri"
require "json"
require "base64"
class Imgur
API_KEY = "15a6efd29935f62ea87579a8325d945a"