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Created August 24, 2018 20:17
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// DigitString.swift
// JDConvenienceKit
// Created by Justin Doan on 8/23/18.
// Copyright © 2018 Justin Doan. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import UIKit
///Option to declare if your returned value should factor rounding or just truncate the value
enum digitStringOptions {
case truncated, rounded
///Takes an unknow value and converts to Double if possible
func genericToDouble<T>(_ genericVal: T) -> Double? {
switch genericVal {
case let x as CGFloat:
return Double(x)
case let x as Float:
return Double(x)
case let x as Double:
return Double(x)
case let x as Int:
return Double(x)
case let x as UInt:
return Double(x)
case let x as Int8:
return Double(x)
case let x as UInt8:
return Double(x)
case let x as Int16:
return Double(x)
case let x as UInt16:
return Double(x)
case let x as Int32:
return Double(x)
case let x as UInt32:
return Double(x)
case let x as Int64:
return Double(x)
case let x as UInt64:
return Double(x)
case let x as NSNumber:
return Double(truncating: x)
case let x as String:
return Double(x)
return nil
///Provides a string representation of your number formatted to include x digits
/// - parameter from: The value you need to convert
/// - parameter digits: The number of digits to include after "."
/// - parameter withOption: Optional: default behavior is to round the last digit (.rounded or nil), choose .truncated to just cut off
func digitString<T>(from: T, digits: Int, withRoundingOption: digitStringOptions?) -> String? {
if let double = genericToDouble(from) {
if withRoundingOption == .truncated {
//Adds an extra digit so rounding affects that one, then cuts it out of the string
return String(String(format: "%.\(digits + 1)f", double).dropLast())
return String(format: "%.\(digits)f", double)
} else {
return nil
///Protocol for class types that can be converted to a formatted number string
protocol DigitString {
func toNumericStringWith(digits: Int, withRoundingOption: digitStringOptions?) -> String?
extension DigitString {
///Provides a string representation of your number formatted to include x digits
/// - parameter digits: The number of digits to include after "."
/// - parameter withRoundingOption: Optional: default Swift behavior is to round the last digit (.rounded or nil), choose .truncated to just cut off
func toNumericStringWith(digits: Int, withRoundingOption: digitStringOptions?) -> String? {
return digitString(from: self, digits: digits, withRoundingOption: withRoundingOption)
//Application of protocol to relevant classes
extension Double: DigitString {}
extension CGFloat: DigitString {}
extension Float: DigitString {}
extension Int: DigitString {}
extension UInt: DigitString {}
extension Int8: DigitString {}
extension UInt8: DigitString {}
extension Int16: DigitString {}
extension UInt16: DigitString {}
extension Int32: DigitString {}
extension UInt32: DigitString {}
extension Int64: DigitString {}
extension UInt64: DigitString {}
extension NSNumber: DigitString {}
extension String: DigitString {}
//extension NSObject: DigitString {} //This would apply it to all Classes(I think?) but I'd rather limit it to ones that will work and are factored into the conversion enum
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