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Created May 7, 2021 17:50
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This trigger copies all the triggers attached to one table to another. If you use the tables name in the trigger, that'll get replaced as well.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION copy_table_triggers(p_source_tablename text, p_dest_tablename text) RETURNS boolean
LANGUAGE plpgsql
v_sql text;
v_trigger_list record;
-- Triggers
FOR v_trigger_list IN
SELECT tgrelid::regclass AS parent_table,
tgname AS trigger_name,
pg_get_triggerdef(oid) as trigger_def,
pg_get_functiondef(tgfoid) as trigger_function_def
FROM pg_trigger
WHERE tgrelid = p_source_tablename::regclass
v_sql := replace((v_trigger_list.trigger_function_def || ';' || v_trigger_list.trigger_def), p_source_tablename::regclass::TEXT, p_dest_tablename::regclass::TEXT);
RAISE DEBUG 'Create Trigger: %', v_sql;
EXECUTE v_sql;
RETURN true;
SELECT copy_table_triggers('public.backend_logs2', 'public.backend_logs3');
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