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Created January 22, 2014 11:43
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19:54 puppeh has joined ([email protected])
19:55 puppeh: can I ask about rufus-scheduler?
19:58 puppeh: I try to do a :first_in => but it throws: cannot set first[_at|_in] in the past: 1.0e-07 -> 2014-01-22 10:44:32 +0000 (ArgumentError)
19:58 puppeh: I want to run the job to be run immediately the first time
19:59 jmettraux: puppeh: hello, welcome to #ruote
20:00 jmettraux: if you want it to run immediately, don't set any :first_in
20:01 puppeh: so this: scheduler.every '10s' do
20:01 puppeh: will run immediately the first time and then after each 10" ?
20:02 jmettraux: unfortunately, it will run for the first time after 10 seconds
20:02 puppeh: that's what I'm talking about :P
20:02 puppeh: so there isn't a way to make it run immediately the first time and then after each 10secs?
20:02 jmettraux: but you can wrap the block in a proc, call it immediately and then (or right before) schedule it
20:02 jmettraux: basic ruby
20:03 chiradeep has joined
20:04 jmettraux: not sure if trying with :first_in => '1s' would work, I'd have to look at the code (or you could try for yourself)
20:08 puppeh: jmettraux: something like ?
20:08 jmettraux: yes, but
20:08 chiradeep has left IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
20:08 jmettraux: you can write ```scheduler.every '2', j```
20:08 jmettraux: or ```scheduler.every '2', &j``` IIRC
20:10 puppeh: I don't get the syntax :P
20:10 puppeh: what are all the ``` ?
20:11 jmettraux: on github, ``` is used to delimit source code
20:11 puppeh: oh ok
20:11 jmettraux: cf
20:12 puppeh: jmettraux: this worked, thanks:
20:12 jmettraux: it might be interesting to add a switch to do "in 10 seconds and right now", I will think about it
20:13 jmettraux: cool, well done !
20:13 puppeh: I could also use a lambda right?
20:13 puppeh: jmettraux: I'd be happy to submit a PR
20:13 puppeh: btw here's my answer:
20:13 jmettraux: I can't remember the diff between procs and lambdas, but it should be ok
20:13 puppeh: jmettraux: I knew about the ```, it's just that for one-liners I just use single ` :)
20:14 puppeh: well they behave different when using `return`
20:14 jmettraux: single quote is single quote
20:15 jmettraux: lol, I should get the SO points, not you
20:16 puppeh: yes :)
20:16 puppeh: single backtick also marks code in markdown
20:16 jmettraux: I will think about it
20:17 jmettraux: ah, backtick, thanks
20:17 puppeh: yes it's just inline, while the triple marks multi-line
20:17 puppeh: (it's me who answered on the issue)
20:18 jmettraux: understood that
20:18 puppeh: :P
20:21 jmettraux: not sure how it should be shaped, need to sleep on it
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