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Created April 7, 2018 08:34
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strip HI from srt
< tr '[]' '{}'\
| dos2unix
| awk -f srt-strip-HI.awk
| tr '{}' '[]'
/^[0-9]+/ { body = body "\n" $0; next }
/^<[^>]+>\r?$/ { body = ""; next }
/^[:space:]*$/ { next }
1 { print body; print $0; body = "" }
BEGIN { ctr = 0 }
/^[0-9]+$/ { next }
/^[0-9][0-9]:/ { line2 = $0; next }
/^\{[^\}]+\}\r?$/ { next }
/^[:space:]*$/ { next }
1 { print ""; print ++ctr; print line2; print $0; }
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