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Created February 2, 2019 18:59
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import Data.List (sort, permutations, elemIndex)
data Card = Card Suit Int
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Suit = Spades | Clubs | Hearts | Diamonds
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
suits = [Spades, Clubs, Hearts, Diamonds]
deck = [Card suit number | suit <- suits, number <- [1..13]]
-- Encoding --
encodeChoice :: [Card] -> [Card]
encodeChoice cards =
let (c1, c2, rest) = splitCards cards
(keep, num) = pickCardToKeep c1 c2
ordered = encodeNum num rest
in keep : ordered
-- pull out two of the five cards that have the same suit
splitCards :: [Card] -> (Card, Card, [Card])
splitCards (c:cs) =
case findSameSuit c cs of
Just (matching, rest) -> (c, matching, rest)
Nothing ->
let (c1, c2, rest) = splitCards cs
in (c1, c2, c : rest)
splitCards _ = error "couldn't find a duplicate?"
-- Find a card in the second list that has the same suit as the given card
findSameSuit :: Card -> [Card] -> Maybe (Card, [Card])
findSameSuit _ [] = Nothing
findSameSuit card@(Card suit _) (c@(Card s2 _):cs)
| suit == s2 = return (c, cs)
| otherwise = do
(matching, rest) <- findSameSuit card cs
return (matching, c : rest)
-- Keeps the card C such that (C + N) % 13 = C2 and N is <= 6
pickCardToKeep :: Card -> Card -> (Card, Int)
pickCardToKeep c1@(Card _ n1) c2@(Card _ n2) =
let diff = modDiff n1 n2
in if diff <= 6 then
(c2, diff)
else (c1, 13 - diff)
modDiff :: Int -> Int -> Int
modDiff n1 n2 = (13 + n1 - n2) `mod` 13
encodeNum num cards = nthPermutation num (sort cards)
-- TODO: this is inefficient
nthPermutation num cards = (permutations cards) !! (num - 1)
-- Decoding --
decodeChoice :: [Card] -> [Card]
decodeChoice cards@(Card suit n:rest) =
let diff = decodeNum rest
n' = ((n + diff) `mod` 13) + 1
in Card suit n' : cards
-- TODO: this is inefficient
decodeNum :: [Card] -> Int
decodeNum cards =
let (Just idx) = elemIndex cards (permutations $ sort cards)
in idx
-- Testing --
testAll =
putStrLn $ show $ findFailures
findFailures = take 1 $ filter (not . testOne) allChoices
allChoices = choices 5 deck
choices num cards = choices' num cards [] []
choices' 0 _ rest results = rest : results
choices' _ [] _ results = results
choices' n (c:cs) rest results =
let results' = choices' n cs rest results
in choices' (n - 1) cs (c : rest) results'
testOne :: [Card] -> Bool
testOne cards =
let result = decodeChoice $ encodeChoice cards
in sort result == sort cards
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