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Created February 25, 2017 04:50
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import Control.Concurrent
main = do
setNumCapabilities 4
result <- parallelDoWork 38 4
--result <- doWork 38 4
putStrLn $ show result
parallelDoWork n m = do
resultMVars <- mapM (\_ -> forkWork n) [1..m]
results <- mapM takeMVar resultMVars
return $ foldl (+) 0 results
forkWork :: Int -> IO (MVar Int)
forkWork n = do
m <- newEmptyMVar
forkIO $ do
-- $! is necessary to have the result evaluated now, inside the thread,
-- rather than when takeMVar is called
let value = slowFib $! n
putMVar m $! value
return m
doWork :: Int -> Int -> IO Int
doWork n m = return $ foldl (+) 0 [slowFib n | _ <- [1..m]]
slowFib :: Int -> Int
slowFib 1 = 1
slowFib 2 = 2
slowFib n = slowFib (n - 1) + slowFib (n - 2)
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