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Created May 10, 2019 20:15
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Regenerate Elixir modules from protobuf schema at the specified URL. Depends on nix package manager.
#! /usr/bin/env nix-shell
#! nix-shell -i bash -p elixir_1_8 erlang protobuf curl
#! nix-shell -I nixpkgs=
## Adapted from directions at
# lives at ./script/
set -ex
TARGET_DIR="$(dirname "$0")/../lib"
# install protoc-gen-elixir plugin to ~/.mix/escripts/
mix escript.install --force hex protobuf
# download protobuf schema
# generate elixir modules
protoc --proto_path="$TARGET_DIR" \
--elixir_out="$TARGET_DIR" \
--plugin="protoc-gen-elixir=$HOME/.mix/escripts/protoc-gen-elixir" \
# lives at ./lib/mix/tasks/protobuf/regenerate.ex
defmodule Mix.Tasks.Protobuf.Regenerate do
use Mix.Task
@default_schema_url "FIXME"
@moduledoc """
Fetches a protobuf schema and regenerates modules.
mix protobuf.regenerate [URL]
The protobuf schema URL is downloaded to ./lib/schema.proto. Then Elixir
modules are generated to ./lib/schema.pb.ex.
When URL is omitted it defaults to #{@default_schema_url}.
*Notice*: This task assumes the [nix package
manager]( is installed.
@shortdoc "Fetches protobuf schema and regenerates modules."
def run([url]) do
script_path = Path.join([File.cwd!(), "script", ""])
System.cmd(script_path, [url], into:, :line), stderr_to_stdout: true)
def run([]), do: run([@default_schema_url])
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