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Haskell typeclass flashcards (Anki-importable)
# Monoids
Basic description of Monoid; Types with an associative binary operation and an identity element; typeclass-doc monoid
Monoid typeclass methods?; "mempty :: a
mappend :: a -> a -> a
mconcat :: [a] -> a"; typeclass-methods monoid
Monoid inherits from?; Nothing; typeclass-inherits-from monoid
typeclass of mempty?; Monoid; method-type monoid
typeclass of mappend?; Monoid; method-type monoid
typeclass of mconcat?; Monoid; method-type monoid
Minimal complete definition of Monoid?; mempty, mappend; typeclass-minimal-def monoid
mempty description?; Identity of mappend; method-doc monoid
mappend description?; An associative binary operation; method-doc monoid
mconcat description?; Fold a list using the monoid; method-doc monoid
Law: mappend mempty x == ?; x; typeclass-law monoid
Law: mappend x mempty == ?; x; typeclass-law monoid
Law: mappend x (mappend y z) == ?; mappend (mappend x y) z; typeclass-law monoid
Law: mconcat == ?; foldr mappend mempty; typeclass-law monoid
(<>) shorthand for?; mappend; method-synonym monoid
# Functors
Basic description of Functor; Types that can be mapped over; typeclass-doc functor
Functor typeclass methods?; "fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b"; typeclass-methods functor
Functor inherits from?; Nothing; typeclass-inherits-from functor
typeclass of fmap?; Functor; method-type functor
Minimal complete definition of Functor?; fmap; typeclass-minimal-def functor
fmap description?; Map from one functor type to another; method-doc functor
Law: fmap id == ?; id; typeclass-law functor
Law: fmap (f . g) == ?; fmap f . fmap g; typeclass-law functor
# Applicatives
Basic description of Applicative; A functor with sequential application; typeclass-doc applicative
Applicative typeclass methods?; "pure :: a -> f a
(<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b"; typeclass-methods applicative
Applicative inherits from?; Functor; typeclass-inherits-from applicative
typeclass of pure?; Applicative; method-type applicative
typeclass of (<*>)?; Applicative; method-type applicative
Minimal complete definition of Applicative?; pure, (<*>); typeclass-minimal-def applicative
pure description?; Lift a value into applicative; method-doc applicative
(<*>) description?; Sequential application; method-doc applicative
Law: pure id <*> v == ?; v; typeclass-law applicative
Law: pure (.) <*> u <*> v <*> w == ?; u <*> (v <*> w); typeclass-law applicative
Law: pure f <*> pure x == ?; pure (f x); typeclass-law applicative
Law: u <*> pure y == ?; pure ($ y) <*> u; typeclass-law applicative
Law: pure f <*> x == ?; fmap f x; typeclass-law applicative
# Foldables
Basic description of Foldable; Data structures that can be folded (combined, reduced, summarized); typeclass-doc foldable
Foldable typeclass methods?; "fold :: Monoid m => t m -> m
foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> t a -> m
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> t a -> a
foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> t a -> a"; typeclass-methods foldable
Foldable inherits from?; Nothing; typeclass-inherits-from foldable
typeclass of foldMap?; Foldable; method-type foldable
typeclass of foldr?; Foldable; method-type foldable
typeclass of foldr'?; Foldable; method-type foldable
typeclass of foldl?; Foldable; method-type foldable
typeclass of foldl'?; Foldable; method-type foldable
typeclass of foldr1?; Foldable; method-type foldable
typeclass of foldl1?; Foldable; method-type foldable
Minimal complete definition of Foldable?; foldMap | foldr; typeclass-minimal-def foldable
fold description?; Combine the elements of a structure using a monoid; method-doc foldable
foldMap description?; Map each element of the structure to a monoid, and combine the results; method-doc foldable
Foldable.foldr description?; Right-associative fold of a structure; method-doc foldable
foldr' description?; Right-associative fold of a structure, but with strict application of the operator; method-doc foldable
Foldable.foldl; Left-associative fold of a structure; method-doc foldable
foldl' description?; Left-associative fold of a structure, but with strict application of the operator; method-doc foldable
foldr1 description?; A variant of foldr that has no base case, and thus may only be applied to non-empty structures; method-doc foldable
foldl1 description?; A variant of foldl that has no base case, and thus may only be applied to non-empty structures; method-doc foldable
# Traversables
Basic description of Traversable; Functors representing data structures that can be traversed from left to right; typeclass-doc traversable
Traversable typeclass methods?; "traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)
sequenceA :: Applicative f => t (f a) -> f (t a)
mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> t a -> m (t b)
sequence :: Monad m => t (m a) -> m (t a)"; typeclass-methods traversable
Traversable inherits from?; Functor, Foldable; typeclass-inherits-from traversable
typeclass of traverse?; Traversable; method-type traversable
typeclass of sequenceA?; Traversable; method-type traversable
typeclass of mapM?; Traversable; method-type traversable
typeclass of sequence?; Traversable; method-type traversable
Minimal complete definition of Traversable?; traverse | sequenceA; typeclass-minimal-def traversable
traverse description?; Map each element of a structure to an action, evaluate these actions from left to right, and collect the results; method-doc traversable
sequenceA description?; Evaluate each action in the structure from left to right, and collect the results; method-doc traversable
mapM description?; Map each element of a structure to a monadic action, evaluate these actions from left to right, and collect the results; method-doc traversable
sequence description?; Evaluate each monadic action in the structure from left to right, and collect the results; method-doc traversable
Law: t . traverse f == ?; traverse (t . f); typeclass-law traversable
Law: traverse Identity == ?; Identity; typeclass-law traversable
Law: traverse (Compose . fmap g . f) == ?; Compose . fmap (traverse g) . traverse f; typeclass-law traversable
Law: t . sequenceA == ?; sequenceA . fmap t; typeclass-law traversable
Law: sequenceA . fmap Identity == ?; Identity; typeclass-law traversable
Law: sequenceA . fmap Compose == ?; Compose . fmap sequenceA . sequenceA; typeclass-law traversable
# Monads
Basic description of Monad; Abstract datatype of actions; typeclass-doc monad
Monad typeclass methods?; "(>>=) :: forall a b. m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
(>>) :: forall a b. m a -> m b -> m b
return :: a -> m a"; typeclass-methods monad
Monad inherits from?; Nothing (except Applicative in GHC 7.10+); typeclass-inherits-from monad
typeclass of (>>=)?; Monad; method-type monad
typeclass of (>>)?; Monad; method-type monad
typeclass of return?; Monad; method-type monad
Minimal complete definition of Monad?; (>>=), return; typeclass-minimal-def monad
(>>=) description?; Sequentially compose two actions, passing any value produced by the first as an argument to the second; method-doc monad
(>>) description?; Sequentially compose two actions, discarding any value produced by the first, like sequencing operators (such as the semicolon) in imperative languages; method-doc monad
return description?; Inject a value into the monadic type; method-doc monad
Law: return a >>= k == ?; k a; typeclass-law monad
Law: m >>= return == ?; m; typeclass-law monad
Law: m >>= (\x -> k x >>= h) == ?; (m >>= k) >>= h; typeclass-law monad
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