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Created December 20, 2016 00:27
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Script to convert Dow Jones index CSV from Yahoo into prices over Q4 during presdential election years
#!/usr/bin/env python
import csv
from collections import namedtuple
PriceRecord = namedtuple("PriceRecord", "date open high low close volume adjusted_close")
def parse_date(ymd):
return map(int, ymd.split('-'))
def fiscal_quarter(r):
year, month, _ =
q = ((month-1) / 3) + 1
return (q, year)
def from_quarter(rs, q, y):
for r in rs:
quarter, year = fiscal_quarter(r)
if quarter == q and year == y:
yield r
def by_pres_election_quarters(rs):
q = 4
years = range(1988, 2017, 4)
doy = {}
for y in years:
for r in from_quarter(rs, q, y):
_, m, d =
k = (m, d)
if not doy.has_key(k):
doy[k] = {}
doy[k][y] = r
print "Day of year,%s" % (','.join(map(str, years)))
for d,ys in doy.iteritems():
row = []
for y in years:
r = ys.get(y)
if r == None:
month, day = d
print "%s-%s,%s" % (month, day, ','.join(row))
# assumes CSV has no header and rows are in ascending chronological order
with open('dji_prices.csv', 'rb') as f:
dji = csv.reader(f)
records = []
for row in dji:
row[0] = parse_date(row[0])
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