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Jeremy Molayem jmolayem

View GitHub Profile
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jmolayem / 2015.tsv
Last active December 11, 2016 21:09
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: It looks like row 4 should actually have 22 columns, instead of 2 in line 3.
cartodb_id the_geom year energy_star_score indoor_water_use_all_water_sources_kgal property_gfa___self_reported_ft property_id address_1 department property_name longitude latitude indirect_ghg_emissions_metric_tons_co2e direct_ghg_emissions_metric_tons_co2e total_ghg_emissions_intensity_kgco2e_ft total_ghg_emissions_metric_tons_co2e weather_normalized_source_eui_kbtu_ft weather_normalized_site_eui_kbtu_ft source_eui_kbtu_ft site_eui_kbtu_ft water_use_all_water_sources_kgal property_name
132 0101000020E61000008B4F01309E8F5DC0B69E211CB3064140 2015 0 0 491023 3935250 100 West 1st Street LAPD Police Department: 9/63 Police Administration Building PAB -118.24403 34.052341 2514.5 823.8 6.8 3338.3 215.2 90.1 218.5 90.6 2983.2 Police Department: 9/63 Police Administration Building PAB
133 0101000020E610000062416150A68F5DC01903EB387E064140 2015 0 0 526680 3935254 200 North Main Street Municipal Municipal: 1/14 City Hall East -118.244526 34.050727 5415 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14262.8 Municipal: 1/14 City Hall East
134 0
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: It looks like row 4 should actually have 22 columns, instead of 2 in line 3.
cartodb_id the_geom year energy_star_score indoor_water_use_all_water_sources_kgal property_gfa___self_reported_ft property_id address_1 department property_name longitude latitude indirect_ghg_emissions_metric_tons_co2e direct_ghg_emissions_metric_tons_co2e total_ghg_emissions_intensity_kgco2e_ft total_ghg_emissions_metric_tons_co2e weather_normalized_source_eui_kbtu_ft weather_normalized_site_eui_kbtu_ft source_eui_kbtu_ft site_eui_kbtu_ft water_use_all_water_sources_kgal property_name
132 0101000020E61000008B4F01309E8F5DC0B69E211CB3064140 2015 0 0 491023 3935250 100 West 1st Street LAPD Police Department: 9/63 Police Administration Building PAB -118.24403 34.052341 2514.5 823.8 6.8 3338.3 215.2 90.1 218.5 90.6 2983.2 Police Department: 9/63 Police Administration Building PAB
133 0101000020E610000062416150A68F5DC01903EB387E064140 2015 0 0 526680 3935254 200 North Main Street Municipal Municipal: 1/14 City Hall East -118.244526 34.050727 5415 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14262.8 Municipal: 1/14 City Hall East
134 0
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