Install Composer
Install DrupalConsole launcher tool
curl -L -o drupal.phar
mv drupal.phar /usr/local/bin/drupal
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/drupal
Download Drupal + DrupalConsole
composer create-project \
drupal-composer/drupal-project:8.x-dev \ \
--prefer-dist \
--no-progress \
Change to new created directory
Verify DrupalConsole downloaded versions
composer show | grep drupal/console
Verify DrupalCore downloaded version
composer show | grep drupal/core
Copy configuration files (make sure you answer yes to first question)
drupal init
Install Drupal (enter your DB credentials)
drupal site:install
Show available commands
drupal list
Test some commands
drupal generate:module
drupal generate:controller
drupal router:debug
drupal plugin:debug
drupal container:debug
Thanks - other than that this is neat and simple set of instructions to get the D8 site up.
What I also did is this to get in running locally:
cd web; php -S localhost:8081
just to keep thing simple and have no hassle with (other) webservers like nginx or apache