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Lockable script
## Copyright (C) 2009 Przemyslaw Pawelczyk <[email protected]>
## License: GNU General Public License v2, v3
# Lockable script boilerplate
### HEADER ###
LOCKFILE="/var/lock/$(basename "$0")"
_lock() {
while flock -"$1" "$LOCKFD"; do
INODE_FD="$(stat -Lc%i "/proc/$$/fd/$LOCKFD" 2>/dev/null)"
INODE_FS="$(stat -c%i "$LOCKFILE" 2>/dev/null)"
[ "$INODE_FD" = "$INODE_FS" ] && return 0 || exec {LOCKFD}>"$LOCKFILE"
return 1
_no_more_locking() { _lock u; _lock xn && rm -f "$LOCKFILE"; }
_prepare_locking() { exec {LOCKFD}>"$LOCKFILE"; trap _no_more_locking EXIT; }
exlock_now() { _lock xn; } # obtain an exclusive lock immediately or fail
exlock() { _lock x; } # obtain an exclusive lock
shlock() { _lock s; } # obtain a shared lock
unlock() { _lock u; } # drop a lock
# Simplest example is avoiding running multiple instances of script.
exlock_now || exit 1
# Remember! Lock file is removed when one of the scripts exits and it is
# the only script holding the lock or lock is not acquired at all.
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