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Created December 15, 2008 15:17
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Save jmreidy/35980 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Flex debug tool that allows you to set a value which will force the app to enter the debugger. For example, when iterating through an array, have Flex always enter the debugger when the value is second object in the array.
package util
import flash.debugger.enterDebugger;
public class BreakingObserver extends Observer
private var _handler : Function;
private var _source : Object;
//optional value to check for entering the debugger
public var checkValue:Object;
[Inspectable( enumeration="true,false" ) ]
public var ignoreNulls:Boolean = true;
public function BreakingObserver()
override public function get handler() : Function
return _handler;
private function breakpoint( sourceValue:Object ):void
//if a checkValue has been provided, use its value to determine whether we enter the debugger
if ( checkValue != null )
if ( checkValue === sourceValue )
//else, enter the debugger automatically
private function setHandler() : void
_handler = breakpoint;
isHandlerInitialized = true;
if( isHandlerInitialized && isSourceInitialized )
override public function get source() : Object
return _source;
public function set source( value:Object ) : void
if ( ignoreNulls && value == null ) return;
_source = value;
isSourceInitialized = true;
if( isHandlerInitialized && isSourceInitialized )
package util
import mx.core.Application;
import mx.core.UIComponent;
public class Observer
protected var isHandlerInitialized : Boolean = false;
protected var isSourceInitialized : Boolean = false;
public function get handler() : Function
return null;
public function get source() : Object
return null;
public function execute( method : Function, ...params : Array ) : Object
var returnValue : Object;
returnValue = method.apply( null, params );
catch( e : Error )
delay( e );
return returnValue;
protected function callHandler() : void
{ null, source );
catch( e : Error )
delay( e );
protected function delay( e : Error ) : void
UIComponent( Application.application ).callLater( throwException, [ e ] );
private function throwException( e : Error ) : void
throw e;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="vertical" xmlns:local="*" creationComplete="handleCreationComplete( event )"
height="100%" width="100%" xmlns:util="util.*">
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
import mx.controls.Alert;
private var testStringArray:Array = [ "testString1", "testString2", "testString3" ];
[Bindable] private var selectedObject:Object;
public function handleCreationComplete( event:FlexEvent ):void
for each ( var test:String in testStringArray )
textBox.text = test;
for each ( var obj:Object in testObjectArray )
selectedObject = obj;
<mx:Array id="testObjectArray" >
<mx:Object id="testObj1" text="testObj1" />
<mx:Object id="testObj2" text="testObj2" />
<mx:Object id="testObj3" text="testObj3" />
<util:BreakingObserver id="break1" source="{ textBox.text }" checkValue="testString2" />
<util:BreakingObserver id="break2" source="{ selectedObject }" checkValue="{ testObj2 }" ignoreNulls="false" />
<mx:Text id="textBox" />
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