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jmw1040 / CMSC 122 - Webscraping
Last active January 8, 2018 17:41
CMSC 122 - WebScraping
### CSMC 122
#### January 8, 2018
### Beautiful Soup
#### Lecture 1 (Week 1 Fri, 2018-01-05)
##### urllib2:
We will use urllib2 (a package to import) to scrape websites
jmw1040 / recursion_notes
Created November 15, 2017 20:02
CMSC 121 - 14 - Recursion
### CMSC 12100
### Recursion
Consider the factorial.
This is an iterative solution:
def factorial_iterative(n):
rv = 1
for val in range(2, n+1):