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Jan Cornelissen jncn

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// OCXML.swift
// Created by Marco Arment on 9/23/24.
// Released into the public domain. Do whatever you'd like with this.
// No guarantees that it'll do anything, or do it correctly. Good luck!
import Foundation
sebjvidal / SceneDelegate.swift
Created June 27, 2023 18:14
Custom UINavigationBar Height
// MARK: - SceneDelegate
class SceneDelegate: UIResponder, UIWindowSceneDelegate {
var window: UIWindow?
func scene(_ scene: UIScene, willConnectTo session: UISceneSession, options connectionOptions: UIScene.ConnectionOptions) {
let navigationController = UINavigationController(navigationBarClass: NavigationBar.self, toolbarClass: nil)
(navigationController.navigationBar as! NavigationBar).preferredHeight = 88
navigationController.setViewControllers([ViewController()], animated: false)
cmod /
Last active March 1, 2025 20:50 — forked from eddiewebb/
Fast, instant client side search for Hugo static site generator
daneden /
Created December 1, 2015 00:25
Remap Caps Lock to Emoji on Mac

How to remap the caps lock key to the emoji selector on Mac

  1. Go to System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Modifier Keys...
  2. Change “Caps Lock” to “No action”
  3. Install Seil
  4. Change the Caps Lock key in Seil to keyCode 80 (F19)
  5. Install Karabiner
  6. Open Karabiner and go to Misc & Uninstall -> Open private.xml
  7. Copy the contents of this gist's example to the XML file and save
  8. In Karabiner, go to Change Keys -> Reload XML
markd2 / launchHandler.m
Created July 2, 2014 19:33
Simple utility that uses Launch Services to see what applications would be interested in editing a given file.
@import Foundation;
@import CoreServices;
// clang -g -fobjc-arc -fmodules launchHandler.m -o launchHandler
int main (int argc, const char *argv[]) {
// Rudimentary argument checking.
if (argc != 2) {
printf ("usage: %s filename\n", argv[0]);
mattt /
Last active February 7, 2025 15:27
A list of methods and properties conforming to `UIAppearance` as of iOS 12 Beta 3

Generate the list yourself:

$ cd /Applications/*.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/UIKit.framework/Headers
$ grep UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR ./*     | \
  sed 's/NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(.*)//g'     | \
  sed 's/NS_DEPRECATED_IOS(.*)//g'    | \
  sed 's/API_AVAILABLE(.*)//g'        | \
  sed 's/API_UNAVAILABLE(.*)//g'      | \