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Forked from scvalex/Warshall.hs
Created January 22, 2013 23:21
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module Warshall where
import Data.Char ( isAlpha )
import Data.List ( nub, sort )
import System.Environment ( getArgs )
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.String
import Text.Printf ( printf )
type Vertex a = a
type Edge a = (a, a)
data Graph a = Graph { vertices :: [Vertex a]
, edges :: [Edge a] }
instance (Show a) => Show (Graph a) where
show g = printf "Vertices: %s\nEdges:\n%s"
(unwords . map show $ vertices g)
(unlines . map showEdge $ edges g)
showEdge (x, y) = printf "%s -> %s" (show x) (show y)
edge :: Parser (Edge String)
edge = do
u <- many1 alphaNum
spaces >> string "->" >> spaces
v <- many1 alphaNum
return (u, v)
readGraph :: FilePath -> IO (Graph String)
readGraph fp = do
r <- parseFromFile (many1 edge) fp
case r of
Left err -> error (show err)
Right es -> return $ Graph { edges = es
, vertices = nub . uncurry (++) $ unzip es }
warshall :: (Eq a) => Graph a -> Graph a
warshall g = Graph { edges = go (vertices g) (edges g)
, vertices = vertices g }
go [] es = es
go (v:vs) es = go vs (nub (es ++ [(a, d) | (a, b) <- es, (c, d) <- es, b == c]))
main :: IO ()
main = do
[f] <- getArgs
print =<< return . warshall =<< readGraph f
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